To prevent skin breakdown, we should keep the skin ___ and ___.
What is clean & dry
This tool is used to reposition patients every 2 hours.
What is a wedge?
This device is hung below the bladder and is used to collect urine.
What is a drainage bag?
The appropriate amounts of incontinent pads to be placed under a patient having diarrhea?
What is One?
I am the best way to prevent the spread of infection.
What is hand washing?
The parts of the body where pressure injuries develop.
What are bony prominences?
The head of the bed should be elevated no greater than ___ degrees.
What is 30 degrees?
Equipment used to monitor/treat patients, some even cause pressure injuries.
What are medical devices?
A urine collection device, whose function is to measure urine output accurately.
What is a foley catheter?
The length of time the CDC recommends for to wash you hands.
What is 20 seconds?
The name of the fluid from a wound.
What is drainage/exudate?
This term is used when an immobile patient is moved every 2 hours.
What is turning & repositioning?
The term used when we remove a patient's heels off the bed?
What is offloading?
While providing skincare you notice the patient has an open wound, the next step is.
What is report it to the nurse?
Before you wash a patient, you put on gloves, goggles and a gown. The term for these items is?
What is PPE?
(Personal Protective Equipment)
A 77 year old female was admitted to the unit, her skin is intact. She has bowel & bladder incontinence. This product is used after skin care.
What is moisture barrier cream?
(blue top cream)
During care the linen should be dry, clean and ____ free.
What is wrinkle free?
Ensure, Glucerna and Juven are ______ and their consumption should be documented daily.
What are nutritional supplements?
External device used to contain urine.
What is a pure wick/condom catheter?
______ precautions is the term used to protect staff from body fluids.
What are standard precautions?
After washing & drying a patient's skin, the next step is to _____ the skin.
What is moisturize the skin?
When repositioning a patient, one must be careful not to pull the patient. This action of pulling the patient against an immobile object is called.
What is friction?
During your shift, the PCT is expected to document these areas in the flow sheet.
What is Daily Cares, I & O and Vital Signs.
It is easier to ____ a wound than to treat it.
What is prevent a wound?
Name 2 items used to wash hands.
What is soap and water?