Online safety is personal and risks.
How to be safe online.
cyber bulling is when you are ether making fun of someone or hurting them online.
what is cyber bulling.
Its a app that allows you to text people called (DM) and to post and like.
what is instagram
you have to clean your hands when you touch the computer
what do you have to do when you come in the classroom
You do not talk to people you do not know.
What is 'online friend'
its when your bulling others
what is an ex of cyber bulling
Its where people talk and to post.
What is social media for?
keep your passwords private
What is keeping your self private
Its when you trying to be someone else when your not
what impersonation
Its for people to post, send things, and people to text.
What is snapchat for ?
One of the rules in the computer lab.
Why can't we stack papers or books on the computer CPU ?
Its when you keep you information to your self
what are personal information
its when your cheating something
what is hacking
Its where you find creative ideas
What is pintrest?
There when something is wanting you to get on a app
what are popup adds
Its when your kick out of something
what is being band
Its where you post videos and comment
What is Tiktok?