What is workshop
Set of standards that regulates every element of technical drawing.
What is standardization
Name of a property that indicates electrical current can run through the material.
What is electrically conductive.
A quick freehand of drawing that transmits the general idea of an object or concept.
What is a sketch
Number of planets that make up the solar system.
What is eight.
What it is called so that we do not repeat any tasks while completing a project.
What is share out tasks
Section of a technical drawing that contains information about the drawing and its author.
What is tile block
Name of a property that indicates electrical current can NOT run through the material.
What is electrical insulator.
A freehand drawing that is done with more detail than a sketch and that includes the views of the object.
What is a diagram
The national animal of the United States of America.
What is bald eagle
He or she searches for and gathers information on possible solutions to the problem posed by the project.
What is researcher
The size of paper that we draw on.
What is format
Name of a property that indicates that the material will return to its original form when we stop stretching them.
What is elastic (elasticity)
A drawing done using a ruler, to scale, and with measurements.
What is a technical drawing
The unicorn is the national animal of which country
What is Scotland
Where we keep all documentation that we produce during a project.
What is project folder
The name of the Spanish agency that creates standards and the standards that are made.
What is UNE (Una norma espaƱola)
Name 3 sensory proporties.
What is color, feel, texture, brightness, transparency.
Lines used to indicate the measurements of the dementioned part. They are drawn parellel to the coresponding edge.
What is dimension lines
What artist won the most Grammy awards at the recent 2025 Grammy awards show?
Who is Kendrick Lamar
This person keeps the project documents safe and completes the construction log.
What is Coordinator
Name of the international agency that decides on standards.
What is ISO
These properties are related to the response of the materials to the forces that act on them.
These are on the ends of the dimention lines.
What are dimension line end points (arrowheads, dots, or lines)
This programming language is named after a type of Indonesian coffee.