Technology in the
Historical Inventions
It'll Never Catch On!
Technology at Home
All about Mr. Undem

This technology holds a piece of graphite that allows you to write.

What is a pencil?


This 14th Century invention made traveling from Point A to Point B faster and easier. 

What is the Horse and Buggie?


This early 19th Century invention was invented to help people see at night without a flame. However it wasn't widely accepted in households for almost a century!

What is the light bulb?


Much faster than an oven, this technology uses waves to heat up food.

What is a microwave?


This how old Mr. Undem is currently.

What is 29?


These technologies are records of words printed on to paper.

What are books?


Having a beginning in the early 1980s the first electronic message sent using this method occurred on December 3, 1992.

What is SMS/Text Messaging?


The original 1915 design for this invention was square-shaped, measuring 2 feet by 2 feet and featuring black letters on a yellow background to see better at night. However, it wasn't until 1954 that it was accepted to be a red octagon.  

What is the Stop Sign?


With a history tracing back as early as 2,300 B.C. as a broom, the first invention of this technology was named the "carpet sweeper."

What is the vacuum?


Legend has it that this is still his favorite color to this day. 

What is blue?


Many students use these, often made of fabric, to carry things to and from school. 

What are backpacks?


Having origins in the Sputnik era, this space-based radio-navigation system, has met national defense, homeland security, civil, commercial, and scientific needs. 

What is GPS?


Originally called the "clasp locker" in 1893, these devices weren't popular because they were expensive, bulky, and insecure, and they often popped open and tore fabric. Now they are smaller, easily concealed, and have a catchy name that reflects its sound. 

What is the Zipper?


Traced back over 6,000 years to ancient Egypt, this invention is found on the entrance of every home.  

What is the door lock?

Mr. Undem has this many siblings.

What is 3?


12 inches are usually marked on one of these technologies, used to measure the lengths of objects.

What are rulers?


Today you use a calculator to solve math problems, but  years ago you would have used this.

HINT: It is still used widely in the Middle East, China, and Japan. 

What is an Abacus?


Kimberly-Clark corporation created this product in 1924 as a make up remover and cream. However, it didn't take off the 1980s where it replaced the handkerchief as a more hygienic alternative. 

What are tissues?


The first registered patent for this machine was in 1950 to help people clean plates and cups after dinner. Though it has been around for over 170 years, it did not start gaining popularity until the 1970s. 

What is the dishwasher?


This was the event Mr. Undem placed 7th at state back in 2014. 

What is javelin?


Originally invented in 1938 this Astronauts use these to record information as much as everyday students on Earth. 

What is a Ball Point Pen?


Invented in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and taking off in the 1950s for home entertainment, this technology revolutionized political races in 1960.

What is the Television?


The first iteration of this invention known first as the "swiftwalker" originally had no pedals, wood as its frame, and two wooden wheels.

What is the bicycle?


Heat exposure had a significant impact on mortality before the widespread use of this technology, particularly during extreme heat events.

What is the air conditioner?


How many times has Mr. Undem had surgery?

What is 3? And likely a 4th on the way
