History of Technology
Social Media
Tech in the 21st Century
The Internet
"T"echnology Wordplay

Classrooms across Canada make use of these Apple tablets, first introduced in 2010, for educational programming and applications.

What are iPads?


Following the acquisition of Musical.ly by a Chinese internet technology company in 2018, this leading social media platform was born.

What is TikTok?


Steve Jobs previewed the first model of this device in January 2007. Today, over 2 billion have been sold.

What is the iPhone?


He developed the World Wide Web in 1989, before releasing it to the public in 1991.

Who is Tim Berners-Lee?


Oxford Dictionary defines it as "the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes." It is also the topic of my presentation.

What is technology?


The first one of these personal devices, the Altair, debuted in 1974. It pales in comparison to the Mac PCs of today, however.

What is the computer

He became the CEO of Twitter in October 2022, adding to his impressive holdings of Tesla and SpaceX.

Who is Elon Musk?


These devices, popular among many teens, are marketed by big tobacco companies as a way to quit smoking.

What are e-cigarettes? (vapes)


This game involving guessing a 5-letter word in six tries took the internet by storm three years after its initial release in 2018.

What is Wordle?


This Microsoft communications application, a competitor of zoom, was used to facilitate many virtual classes during the COVID-19 pandemic.

What is Teams?


The predecessor to the telephone, Francis Ronalds developed the first of these static electricity-powered communicators in 1816.

What is the telegraph?


It was the most popular social media platform in 2006, at one point becoming the most visited website in the United States.

What is MySpace?


The first NFT, short for these unique pieces of digital software, hit the market in 2014. 

What are non-fungible tokens?


This learning website, geared toward students of all ages, was launched in 2015 featuring offerings from Serena Williams, Dustin Hoffman, and James Patterson.

What is Masterclass?


Popular in financial services and password management, this verification model requires a user to provide more than one piece of information to access a site.

What is two-factor authentication?


Depicted in the 2014 film The Imitation Game by Benedict Cumberbatch, his machine was crucial to breaking the enigma code during WWII.

Who is Alan Turing?


He earned the most-liked photo on Instagram in December 2022 following the FIFA World Cup, overtaking a 2019 photo from @the_world_record_egg.

Who is Lionel Messi?


This Nintendo gaming console, launched in 2006, became the best-selling seventh-generation console, surpassing 100 million units sold by 2013.

What is the Wii?


These addresses in the form of unique numbers are used to identify different devices on the internet.

What are IP addresses?

This unit is equal to one trillion bytes, the equivalent of approximately 6.5 million document pages or 500 hours of HD video.

What is a terabyte?

Dr. Bruce Jenner invented the first of these in 1796, used to prevent smallpox.

What are vaccines?


In 2018, whistleblower Christopher Wylie sounded the alarm over the personal data of millions being accessed without consent from the users of this social media platform.

What is Facebook?

ChatGPT, released in 2022 is a model in this field of computer science, which seeks to develop intelligent machines that can perform tasks that typically require human intervention.

What is artificial intelligence?


This web browser leads the field in most monthly visits. Youtube, one of its subsidairies, is not far behind.

What is Google?

Universal serial buses are sometimes referred to as these, with a reference to the size of one of our digits.

What is a thumb drive?
