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The sidekick of resident super-hero Radioactive Man
Who is Fallout Boy?
In this movie astronauts are miraculously able to maneuver between mutliple orbital space stations thousands of miles apart using only the thrust of an EVA suit
What is Gravity?
Popular children's author, he first coined the word "nerd" in his 1950's era book "If I Ran the Zoo"
Who is Dr Seuss?
Nerd from TV show "Family Matters"
Who is Steven Urkel?
Physicist: "When you are courting a nice girl an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour. That's relativity"
Who is Abert Einstein?
The answer to the two-part, multi-season, cliff hanger question in "Who Shot Monty Burns?"
Who is Maggie Simpson?
This movie gained notoriety in the re-release when a main character is depicted dodging a fast-as-light laser blast.
What is Star Wars?
In the world of photography, what is SLR an abbreviation for?
What is "Single Lens Reflex"?
Likely the wealthiest nerd on the planet despite giving billions of dollars to his charitable foundation which focuses on health issues around the world.
Who is Bill Gates?
Technology designer: "Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works."
Who is Steve Jobs?
The "ancient secret society" that Homer is able to join as the son of an existing member. It is eventually determined that he is the coming of the annointed leader spoken of in prophecy.
Who are The Stonecutters?
Any decent software developer will roll their eyes in disbelief when watching the main character of this 1983 interface with the militarized super computer antagonist.
What is War Games?
If a telephone company added one more digit to all the numbers in an area code, how many new phone numbers could potentially be added?
What is 90 million?
Hollywoods most famous nerd he co-hosted his own game show in which people tried to win his money. His most famous movie quote is simply a single word interrogative ... "Bueller?"
Who is Ben Stein?
Prolific inventor: "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."
Who is Thomas Edison?
The FIRST name of the wealthiest man in Springfield and the owner of the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant.
What is "Charles"? (Charles Montgomery Burns)
In this 1997 space movie we are expected to believe that humans have mastered faster than light travel yet when it comes to defeating the alien arachnid horde our troops are still using bullets and conventional bombs?
What is Starship Troopers?
This was the first full length computer generated feature film.
What is "Toy Story"?
Funny, talented, and brilliant, this female nerd is ubiquitous with stints on SNL, 30 Rock, hosting awards shows, and writing best selling books.
Who is Tina Fey?
Symbologist: "So dark, the con of man"
Who is Robert Langdon? (The DaVinci Code)
Proving to have much longer staying power than the TV show from which it came, this is the show which first aired cartoon shorts of the Simpson's family.
What is The Tracy Ullman Show?
In what could possibly be the worst sci-fi movie ever made, future humans who've been enslaved by alien overlords and forced to mine for gold, learn to operate thousand year old US military hardware to defeat them and destroy their homeworld.
What is Battlefield Earth?
The was the year that ARPANET became operational.
What is 1969?
Despite being the most influential physicist of the 20th century, this nerd did not actually participate in the Manhattan Project as is widely believed. His left leaning political ideology prevented him from obtaining the necessary security clearance.
Who is Albert Einstein?
Nerd: "Did I do that?"
Who is Steven Urkel? (Family Matters)