What are tectonic plates?
Tectonic plates are big slabs of rock that make up the Earth's outer shell.
What was Pangaea?
A supercontinent?
Plate tectonic movements (especially ones that occur rapidly, and suddenly), usually result in?
Earthquakes, Avalanches, Tsunami's, other natural disasters are accepted
Where do the plates move?
They move in the layer below the crust.
How do we know Pangaea existed?
All of the continents fit together like a Jigsaw puzzle
Why was the finding of the fossil between 2 countries so significant
Because it gives proof that Pangaea existed.
What happens when the plates move?
Many things often disastrous can happen such as earthquakes or mountain building.
What is it called when the North and South poles on Earth switch?
Magnetic reversal
NO, because the earth has changed it's magnetic poles over 200 times in the past 100 million years.
Name 2 evidences for tectonic plates
The continents fitting together
Volcanoes and earthquakes occurring on the border of tectonic plates
The magnetic field of the Earth shifting
Fossils of the same organisms found in different parts of the world
What ocean surrounded Pangaea?
What heat transfer type is related to tectonic plates?
Convection Currents
How do tectonic plates move?
As the convection currents in the mantle move across underneath the crust, the tectonic plates that make up the the crust are pulled along.
Take a guess as to which two Greek words form Pangaea and what they mean
Pan - All
Gaea - Mother Earth
Where does the mantle get heated from?
The inner core of the earth, which is estimated to be at a temperature of over 5000C