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An individual is able to use sentences in a way that is a lot like a native speaker.

What is Advanced Proficiency or Bridging?


Some say that once ELs speak the language, they are fluent and do not need instruction.

What is BICS/CALP? (Students take 1-2 years to learn social language, but much longer (5-7) to learn academic language.)

These programs involve the L1 but move ELs as quickly as possible into English.
What are transitional bilingual education programs?

This school offered education in German and English in 1840 in Cincinnati, Ohio.

What is the first bilingual school in the US?


This refers to an appropriate level of language input that helps learners to understand.

What is comprehensible input (Krashen)?


Individual may be responding non-verbally or may be able to repeat a word or copy a word.

What is Pre-Production or Entering?


All ELs learn the same way.

What are individual differences in language learning? (Students vary in motivation, risk-taking, extroversion, preferences for visual, oral, aural, and kinesthetic learning.)

In these programs, educators teach content using a variety of strategies to help ELs access the information and learn language as well.
What are sheltered programs?

When Americans won independence from England (1783), this country still was a major coloinial power and its language was prevalent in about half of the contintential United States.

What is Spain/Spanish? (controlled much of the southwest)


This term refers to a level of anxiety that can impede learning.

What is the Affective Filter (Krashen)?


Individual produces simple and expanded sentences.

What is Speech Emergence or Developing?


Students cannot use their L1 in the classroom.

What is research shows that L1 can support the learning of L2.

These programs give equal status to English and the students' L1. The goal is to develop academics and language proficiency in both languages.
What are dual language or two-way language programs?

In 1974,  this suit by Chinese parents in San Francisco led to the ruling that identical education does not constitute equal education under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

What is Lau v. Nichols? (Just providing texts, etc., in the new language does not provide access to education.)


This term refers to the academic language skills that are developed in an L2.

What are CALP (cognitive academic language proficiency) (Cummins)? CALP takes 5-7 years (and sometimes longer).


Individual produces phrases and short sentences; errors may impede communication.

What is Early Production or Beginning Proficiency?


Teachers should correct each error an EL makes.

What is error correction can result in frustration in language learning. Better to focus on communication first.

In thess programs, ELs leave the classroom for a certain period of time for ESL instruction.
What are pull-out programs?

The governor of this state spoke only French (1816-1820).

What is Louisiana?


This term refers to social skills developed in an L2.

What are BICS (Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills) (Cummins)? BICS takes 1-2 years.


Individual produces a variety of setences; may still have errors, but they don't impede communication.

What is Intermediate Fluency or Expanding?


All ELLs are immigrants.

Many English Learners were/are born in the United States.

In these programs, teacher with ESL expertise are in the classroom with students and their regular teacher.
What are push-in programs?

Many Native American languages are threatened with extinction due to policies in the late 19th century aimed at 'civilizing' native peoples. What Acts were passed in 1990 and 1992 to help preserve the languages?

What are the Native American Languages Acts?


A student who doesn't produce language during the first part of his/her experience may be experiencing this.

What is the Silent Period? (can last 6 months - 1 year)
