A "rodent" in shock
Surprised Pikachu face
Teddy's favorite color
The Largest Desert
Obi Wan's Successor
Anakin Skywalker
The Egyptians' favorite animal
The Cat
Just words, a crown, and a red background
Keep Calm and Carry On
Teddy's favorite band
Bon Jovi
The "Earth Continent"
Emperor Plapatine's Grandchild
A "knight" in Japan
A Samurai
This meme really got a career rolling
Never Gonna Give You Up (Rick Roll)
Teddy's favorite candy bar
The rivers that surround Mesopotamia
Euphrates and Tigris
How a clone would survive order 66
By removing a control chip in his head
Alexander the Great's favorite city (name)
A truly dead meme
Coffin Dance (Astromania)
Teddy's favorite painter
Bob Ross
The largest lake
The Caspian Sea
The material a Mandalorian's armor is made from
The social system in Medieval Europe
Sneak, Strength, Wisdom, and the such
Skyrim Stats (___ 100)
Teddy's favorite TV show
Phineas and Ferb
The tallest mountain in the world
Mauna Kea
Anakin's main competition in the Boonta Eve Classic
The two civilizations that Rome got its inspiration from
The Etruscans and The Greeks