Who is the dean of the Cockrell School of Engineering?
Roger Bonnacaze
Who is the newest member of TEDE?
Approximately how many engineering orgs are there?
Who are the two coordinators of WEP?
Rachel & Yoc
What does EOE stand for?
Equal Opportunity in Engineering
What is the newest engineering major offered at Cockrell?
Computational Engineering
What are the three units of TEDE?
Who is the administrator for ESL?
Jessica Aarons
The Women in Engineering Program was established in what year?
What year was EOE founded?
What is the name of the newest engineering building?
Gary L. Thomas Energy Engineering Building (EEB)
What is TEDEs Mission?
To recruit, retain, and graduate undergrad and graduate students whose identities are underrepresented in the engineering professions by providing…
What is the restaurant that left us?
Cabo Bobs
What percentage makes up the undergraduate women in engineering at Cockrell?
What are the names of EOEs sponsored organizations?
Pi Sigma Pi (PSP), National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE), Graduate Underrepresented Minorities (GUM).
What department in the Cockrell School of Engineering has the highest enrollment?
Dr. Courtney McElroy serves as the Executive Director of TEDE. What was the title of his dissertation?
Sustaining Enrollment of Minority Students by creating a sense of belonging: A Quantitative Study
What is Erica Garza’s (Assistant Director) zodiac sign?
In the year 2022, how many women engineering students were admitted and enrolled at UT?
Who is the founding director of EOE?
Phil Schmidt