Give me the month, day, and year of Veronica’s birthday.
April 14, 2005
In Chinese Orchestra, what instrument does Veronica play?
What was Veronica’s GPA last semester?
Oh no! You slipped on a banana peel! Veronica sees you. What would she most likely do? Ignore, laugh uncontrollably, or try to help you?
Laugh uncontrollably -- bonus: SNORT
Give me the name of one of Veronica’s many crushes.
What country is Veronica from? (extra points if you get the city)
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
What sport has Veronica been doing for years (but had to quit when she came to DVGS)?
Karate (martial arts)
Veronica has exceptionally good grades. What is her secret?
Staying up late / Working hard
Is Veronica a rule follower or a rule breaker?
Rule follower (YES)
You are eating food in the middle of the night. Veronica approaches you. What does she expect you to do?
Give her some food duh :P
What animal is Veronica’s pet?
A dog
Which language did Veronica not decide to learn yet? Mandarin, Norwegian, German, or Japanese?
Veronica has a terribly difficult exam tomorrow. She will set her alarm clock (but she’ll probably ignore it anyways). What time will she set it to? 2AM, 3AM, 4AM, or 6AM?
Does Veronica spin clockwise or counter-clockwise when she sleeps?
You made Veronica very mad. What did you do? Take her belongings, jump on her bed, or pluck her eyebrows?
Take her belongings
Who does Veronica talk about more? Her mother or her father?
Her mother
Where would you see Veronica on a typical Friday night?
Watching Asian dramas in front of the TV
Veronica has a terribly difficult exam today. What does she do if she doesn’t know one of the questions?
Has Veronica ever tried on facemasks?
Does Veronica have an Apple or Android phone?