Cycle of Violence
Red Flags
Wild Card

What is the first stage of violence.

Seduction /Honeymoon phase


He or she tries to control your life, telling you whom you can and cannot see, how to dress and how to act.



What percentage of teens have told anyone about the abuse they have experienced? A)18% B)33% C) 56% D)85%

B) 33% 

Only 33% of teens in an abusive relationship EVER tell someone about the abuse they have experienced. 


What is the name of the Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault Crisis Center in your county?

Safe Center 


If trapped in an abusive relationship, who did teens say they would ask for help? A) Parents B) Teacher C) Friends

C) Friends. That's why peer education and support is so important!


What is the third stage of violence?

Violent Episode


Tells you they love you after only 2 weeks.

Quick Involvement


Nearly 1.5 million high school students nationwide experience physical abuse from a dating partner in a single year. A) False- the number is too high B) False- the number is too low C) True 

C) True


Safe Center provides services to women and children only. True or False


Safe Center provides services to women, children, teens, men, anyone in need of our services!


What month is National Teen Dating Violence Awareness? 



Violent episodes are defined as ONLY physical abuse. True or False 

False. Violent episodes can occur physically, emotionally, sexually etc. 


Boyfriend/girlfriend becomes angry if you talk to anyone else.



What percentage of teens believe Teen Dating Violence is a SERIOUS issue? A) 35% B) 55% C) 80%

C) 80% of teens believe Teen Dating Violence is a SERIOUS issue. 


When is the Safe Center hotline available for teens to use? 

Anytime! The confidential hotline is available 24 hours, 7 days a week!


Unhealthy relationships only happen when one person makes the other person mad. True or False

False. Unhealthy relationships happen because one person wants to have power and control over the other person. It's never your fault, even if you say or do something that makes the other person angry.


In this stage, the problems start to come to the surface.  Possibly some "red flags" are exposed.

Tension Building


Yells, punches walls, screams, or threatens to hurt you.

Explosive anger


One in ____ teens reports knowing a friend or peer who has been hit, punched, kicked, slapped or physically hurt by a partner. A) 3 B) 5 C) 12 D) 20

A) 3

One in three teens reports knowing a friend or peer who has been hit, punched, kicked, slapped or physically hurt by a partner.


Which answer is TRUE? A) Safe Center will support you and give you tips if you are wondering if your relationship/dating experience is healthy. B) Safe Center will break up with your dating partner for you. C) Safe Center will punish your dating partner if s/he did mean things to you.

A) Safe Center will support you and give you tips if you are wondering if your relationship/dating experience is healthy.


Unhealthy relationships only happen for which group of teenagers? A) Athletes B) Poor teens C) All teens can experience unhealthy relationships  D) Only teens who have unhealthy examples and/or unstable home lives

C) All teens can experience unhealthy relationships


In this stage, gifts, promises and personality changes could occur.

Seduction/Honeymoon Phase


This may affect a person's mood and disposition, sometimes acting as a trigger for violence.

Alcohol/Drug Abuse


One in ____ high school students have been purposefully hit, slapped, or physically hurt by a boyfriend or girlfriend. 

One in 10 high school students have been purposefully hit, slapped or physically hurt by a boyfriend or girlfriend.


What is the number to Safe Center's 24-Hour Hotline? 

580-252-4357 (HELP)


Which one is the correct definition of teen dating violence? A) Pattern of controlling, and abusive behaviors of one person over another within a romantic or dating relationship. B) When one person hits another person while dating or in a relationship.

A) Pattern of controlling, and abusive behaviors of one person over another within a romantic or dating relationship. 

It can include verbal, emotional, physical, sexual, and financial abuse. It knows no boundaries and crosses all lines of race, socio-economic status, etc.
