True or False
Types of abuse
Signs of abuse

Both boys and girls can be victims of TDV

True. No matter someone's gender identity both boys and girls can fall victim to TDV.


Physical abuse includes...

Getting kicked by your partner, Getting pushed by your partner, Getting slapped, Refusing to help you when you are sick, Injured, Or pregnant, Withholding medications or medical treatment.


A healthy relationship should have...

Trust, Mutual respect, Communication, Loyalty


Common emotional response in abuse victims

Anxiety, Depression, Dependance, Fear, Shame And guilt.


What Percentage of Teen Victims of Dating Violence Seek Help?

Only 9% of teenage victims seek help after experiencing dating violence.


Teen Dating Violence only includes Physical Abuse

False. Teen dating violence includes all the different forms of abuse.


Verbal abuse includes...

Name-calling, Hurtful sarcasm, Blame, Manipulation, Humiliating you in a public place.


An Unhealthy relationship could include...

Extreme Jealousy, Controlling, Isolation, Manipulation, Sabotage, Possessiveness, Blame, Anger, Criticism


What are common Red flags in abusive relationships?

Extreme Jealousy, Controlling, Isolation, Manipulation, Sabotage and Possessiveness


What percentage of teens speak out about their abusive relationships?

Only 33% of teens who are in an abusive relationship ever tell anyone about the abuse while it is happening.


Females between the ages of 16 and 18 experience the highest rate of partner violence

True. 3 times as many females between the age of 16-18 experience the highest rate of partner violence than any other age group.


Emotional abuse includes...

Ignoring your partner, Blaming you for something you didn't do, Gaslighting, Threats, Constant criticizing, Isolation.


Having disagreements/arguments once in a while is?

Having disagreements/arguments occasionally is totally healthy/normal. In a healthy argument the blame doesn't fall on one person, Instead both parties come to mutual agreement that will work for their relationship going forward.


What is emotional blackmail?

Emotional blackmail is a sign of abuse where manipulation is used to control or influence someone’s behavior through fear, Guilt, Or obligation.


What is the fraction of teen experiencing teen dating violence?

About 1 and 3 teens in the U.S. fall victim of TDV. Those who report experiencing TDV in high school are also likely to experience TDV in their college relationships.


You'll know when you're in an abusive relationship

False. Many teens in abusive relationships don't even realize it because it's their first real relationship. Often if they realize they are being abused in their relationship the partner will shame and gaslight them into feeling at fault for the abuse.


Sexual abuse includes...

Partner sharing unsolicited photos of you with their friends, Touching in a sexual way without consent, Forcing or encouraging a person to touch another person in a sexual way, Making a person view sexual activity without their consent, Exposing or "flashing"


When can Jealousy be okay in a relationship?

 Your partner has succeeded at something you are also working towards; Your partner shares a special moment with someone else, Your partner does something that makes you feel excluded 


What are some subtle warning signs of an abusive relationship that might be easy to overlook

Unreasonable jealousy of your friends or family, Always needing to be in control, Shifting blame or responsibility and Overriding your boundaries


What is the number of teen victims to experience partner violence each year?

1.5 million high-school students in the U.S. are physically abused by dating partners every year.


Emotional abuse is not as serious as physical abuse and usually does not have long-lasting effects

False. Emotional abuse can be just as harmful as physical abuse and can have long-lasting effects on a person mental and well-being.


Financial abuse includes...

Withholding/Restricting money, Controlling all household expensive, Controlling bank accounts, Preventing someone from working.


How do trust and communication play a role in maintaining a healthy relationship

Trust and communication are the foundation of a healthy relationship. When both are strong, They create a sense of security, Understanding, and Mutual respect between partners


What is Stonewalling?

Stonewalling is a sign of abuse where one person in a relationship withdraws from interaction, Refusing to engage or respond


What percentage of parents think TDV is not an issue? 

81% of parents believe teen dating violence is not an issue, or don’t know if it is.
