Why is it important to monitor yourself (check your behavior)?
Accept any appropriate answer (because then you can react before you lose control, make better decisions, think before act, etc).
Why is it important to know how to make a complaint appropriately?
Accept any appropriate answer. (more likely to be listened to, more likely to accomplish what you need, others will view you in a positive light, etc)
Why is it important to affirm yourself?
Any appropriate answer is acceptable (don't focus on the negative, easier to accept mistakes, easier to achieve goals, etc.)
Why is it important to appropriately express your feelings?
Accept any appropriate response (be taken more seriously, more likely to get your point across/get what you want, feel better about yourself, less likely to regret actions)
Why is it important to...
Accept appropriate response
What are the 3 steps for monitoring yourself?
1) check yourself
2) do I need to relax?
a, b, c
3) Return to what you were doing
What are the 4 steps for making a complaint?
1) decide on the problem
2) decide whom to tell
3) choose a good time
4) state your complaint
What are the 4 steps for affirming yourself?
1) Think about what you do well
2) Think about what you could say about yourself
3) Write down your affirmation
4) Say it. Repeat it.
What are the 4 steps for expressing your emotions appropriately?
1) Say to yourself, "I feel__"
2) Think of choices you have for dealing with the feeling
3) Ask yourself, "is this a good choice?"
4) If okay, do it.
What are the steps for...
Accept correct steps
Demonstrate making a complaint
Correctly demonstrates making a complaint
Show me how you...
Accept correct demonstration
Time to roleplay....
Accept correct roleplay response
Spontaneous/Natural Situation
Completes a skill in a natural situation/spontaneously