Smoked marijuana products are this many times more potent today than in the 1970s
What is 4x more potent?
E-cigarettes (AKA vaping devices) were inaccurately marketed as helping people to quit this habit
What does DBT stand for?
Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Name a Coping Skill you use
Any Coping Skill
This organ is the most susceptible to damage from chronic alcohol consumption
The Liver
This class of drugs are derived from substances found in the opium poppy plant.
Opiates/ Opioids
Cigarette sales declined dramatically in the 1990s and to make up lost profit, this new product was invented in 2003 by tobacco companies
E-cigarettes (vaping devices)
This DBT concept is based on focusing on what is happening right now - without judgment.
What does HALT stand for?
Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired
This organ is the most susceptible to damage from chronic Cannabis abuse
The Brain
A dab pen is a vaping device filled with a highly concentrated oil form of the brain-changing chemical THC. Using a highly concentrated form of a drug causes which of these problems to happen faster?
a. Impaired brain development
b. Addiction
c. Both
What is answer c. - Both
When someone uses a vaping device, they are breathing toxic chemicals and metals in this form:
a. Solid
b. Liquid
c. Gas
What is answer b. liquid? (Vaping devices emit a liquid aerosol mist.
This DBT skill involves doing the opposite of what your emotions are telling you to do
Opposite Action
This coping skill involves using daily writing to reflect on the day or for gratitude
Name 3 withdrawal symptoms
Nausea, Vomiting, Sweating, Tremors, Hallucinations, Seizures, Sleeplessness, Agitation, Cramping, and DTs
These 2 substances are the most dangerous to withdrawal from, and withdrawal can cause death in healthy adults.
Alcohol and Benzos (benzodiazepines)
Which of the following symptoms are caused by regular Nicotine use?
a. Attention problems
b. Mood instability
c. Both
What is answer c. - both
Name any DBT Skill
Any DBT Skill
This set of general guidelines can help to get better sleep.
Sleep Hygiene
This is the most commonly co-occurring disorder to accompany Substance Use Disorder.
Mental Health Disorders
This cocaine derived susbtance is made by combining powder cocaine and adding ammonia or baking soda to make a crystallized new susbtance.
Crack Cocaine
Name one feature of vaping that makes the product more appealing to children and teens.
What are flavors, mimicking a USB drive, concealable size and concealable cloud of smoke?
Name one skill in DEAR MAN
Describe, Express, Assert, Reinforce, Mindful, Appear, Negotiate
By setting and maintaining these, you can feel better about your decisions and have a better chance of being respected by others.
Name the most common "big 3" Triggers.
People, Places, Things