What Pokemon does Pikachu evolve into?
What movie was "Come and Get Your Love" by Redbone in?
Guardians of the Galaxy
What was the first publicly released video game console ever made?
Magnavox Odyssey
How many teams are there currently in the NFL?
Which newspaper does Peter Parker work for?
The Daily Bugle
What's the most effective Poke Ball in the game?
Master Ball
Which movie was "Troubleman" by Marvin Gaye in?
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
What was the system that was was released in 1993 and was said to have "impressive 64-bit graphics", but was only a 32-bit system?
Atari Jaguar
What is the highest score possible in 10 pin bowling?
In which Marvel comic did Elektra make her debut?
What's the device trainers use to keep a record of their Pokemon encounters?
In which MCU movie is "I've Got No Strings" from Disney's Pinocchio played?
Avengers: Age of Ultron
What was the game system to have 8-bit graphics and had classics like "Metroid" and "Dr. Mario"?
Nintendo Entertainment System
Who was the cover athlete of the video game "NBA Live 99"?
Antoine Walker
What is the name of the Fantastic Four's archnemesis?
Dr. Doom
If you need to buy supplies in the Pokemon world, where do you go?
Poke Mart
Which movie did "Back in Black" by AC/DC appear in?
Iron Man
What was one of the first game systems that actually enabled an internet connection and was known to have really good graphics at that time? Some of the classics for that system are "Sonic Adventure" and "House of the Dead 2".
Sega Dreamcast
What city hosted the 2012 Summer Olympics?
London, England
What are Wolverine's claws made of?
What type of attacks are Normal type Pokemon immune to?
What movie did "Waterfalls" by TLC play in?
Captain Marvel
What system could play video games, music, and even use for education, but did not sell well because of the games and high price?
Philips CD-i
Who was the only person to have won a Super Bowl as a player, as an assistant coach and as a head coach?
Mike Ditka
Wonder Woman was created by a man whose professional training was in what field?