this social network was the first to hit 1 million active users.
When is Mean girls day
October 3
What was the name of the princess Mario rescues in Nintendo Gameboy's "Super Mario Land" (1989)?
Whats the second tallest mountain in the world
A beautiful Girl gets catfished
What does STEM stand for
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Who did Jada Pickett Smith cheat on Will smith with?
August Alsina
What brand mascot was initially introduced as Pitcher Man in 1954
Kool Aid Man
Pierre is the capital of what state
South Dakota
a series of naps
What show currently holds Netflix all time viewership record
Squid Game
As of December 2018, what is the name of the largest body of water on the Fortnite Battle Royale map?
Loot Lake
Whats the deepest KNOWN point to earths ocean
Marianas Trench
Guy chases a girl for 3 decades
Forest Gump
What does 2FA stand for
Two - Factor Authentication
What Movie won the first ever Oscar for Best Animated Film
How many Pokemon are there
Victorian Falls
Billionaire beats up mentally challenged
Batman Arkam Night
A pre-cursor to Wi-Fi was an ethernet connection, and a precursor to ethernet was the ALOHAnet which used a UHF wireless packet network to connect parts of what U.S. state?
Who has the most followers on Tik Tok
Khabane Lame with 161 Million
Which Video Game Console has the highest amount of games
Playstation 2
Whats Belgiums nickname
The Cockpit of Europe
Boy third wheels for 7 years
Harry Potter