Tran Nhan Tong high school
What is the symbol for love?
A heart
What is the largest city in Michigan?
This app has gained over 1 million subscriptions that has been used to conducted meetings, classes, and interviews.
This disney movie was released in 1993, yet has become a staple in holiday traditions
The nightmare before Christmas
This 2018 movie was the first Marvel movie to gross over $1 Billion and an Academy Award.
Black Panther
This symbol's meaning ∞
What is the capital of Ukraine?
This item was flying off the shelves in preparation for the statewide lockdowns
Toilet Paper
Who is the first black Disney princess?
This popular musical about a forgotten founding father , found on disney plus, regained it 2015 popularity Thanks to its fan base or "HamilFam"
When is valentines day?
February 14th
Which is the world's largest country by size?
Russia is the largest country by size.
The phrase "I want to speak to your manager" has commonly been said by an upset customer commonly known as this common woman's name.
How many dwarfs were in snow white?
The name of Rihanna's beauty/fashion line?
Getting hit by his arrow will make you fall in love
These two countries share the longest border in the world
Canada and America
This popular Netflix documentary is known as the the Lion King's crazy cousin?
Tiger King
This Disney princess disguised herself as a man to save her father and country?
This Social Media Platform has been the most popular platform for Gen Z
Tik Tok
This common label is used to describe an unhealthy relationship.
Say 4 Spanish Rivers.
Tajo, Ebro, Guadalquivir, Duero, Miño, Júcar
The number of feet you are supposed to stay away from people if out in public to help slow the rate of spreading the virus.
This highly successful Disney franchise was actually the first movie to be produced by Pixar, a company eventually purchased by Disney.
Toy Story