Gene expression
Ecological Succession
Role of Enzymes
What is Gene expression?

Gene expression is the process by which the information encoded in a gene is used to make a functional product, usually a protein.


What is Ecological Succession?

Ecological succession is the gradual process by which ecosystems change and develop over time due to a natural disaster. It mainly restarted because of a Pioneer species.


What is the role of enzymes?

Enzymes are catalyst to speed up chemical reactions in living organisms (you can be specific about it)


Describe the 2 main steps in Gene expression

The main 2 steps of gene expression are transcription, where the information in DNA is copied into mRNA, and translation, where mRNA is used to build proteins.
What are the two main Ecological Successions?

The two main Ecological Successions are Primary succession and secondary succession.


What is the Lock-And-Key model?

Enzymes have specific substrates that match up like puzzle pieces.

What is the role of mRNA in gene expression?

mRNA carries the DNA to the ribosomes where it is used for protein synthesis for translation.

What is an example of a pioneer species and how do they benefit the ecosystem?

One example would be lichens. Pioneer species help the environment by stabilizing the soil by being on a rock, introducing organic matter, and altering the ecosystem's physical appearance and organisms.


How do Enzymes affect the rate of chemical reactions?

Enzymes increase the rate of chemical reactions by lowering the ATP to make the chemical reaction speed up.


Explain how environmental factors can influence Gene expression.

Environmental factors include, temperature, light, and nutrients can affect the activity of genes and the production of protein in cells.


What is a Climax Ecosystem?

A climax ecosystem is a stable and mature community that represents the after math of Primary succession or Secondary succession.


How can high temperatures affect Enzymes?

High temperatures denature enzymes by breaking their bonds and changing their shape not allowing them to bind with their substrate.
