Telephone Etiquette
Voicemail Etiquette
During a call
Ending the Call
Common Mistakes

How soon should you answer the phone in a business setting?

Within three rings 


What basic information should you include in every voicemail?

Your name and phone number


What should you do if there’s a sudden interruption while on a call?

Apologize and ask for a brief moment to resolve it


What is a polite way to end a call after the conversation is complete?

Thank the person and say goodbye


What common mistake can make you sound disinterested on a call?

Not paying full attention or multitasking


What should you avoid doing while answering a business call?

Using casual language or slang


How long should a voicemail be to remain professional?

20-30 seconds 


Why should you avoid multitasking during a phone conversation?

It can make you sound distracted or disinterested


Why is it important to confirm any follow-up actions before ending a call?

To ensure both parties know what happens next


Why is it unprofessional to answer a call without introducing yourself?

It confuses the caller and appears impersonal


Why should you avoid eating or chewing gum while on the phone?

It creates an unprofessional sound


Why is it important to be clear and concise in your voicemail?

To ensure that the recipient hears and understands your message 


How should you handle background noise during a phone call?

Move to a quieter location or mute when not speaking, apologize for any inconvenience during the call 


What should you avoid saying when ending a call with a client or colleague?

Rushing the goodbye or abruptly hanging up


What is the mistake of leaving too much or too little information in a voicemail?

The recipient may not understand your message or know how to respond


When speaking on the phone, why is maintaining a friendly tone important even if the caller cannot see you?

The tone affects how the message is received


If your message requires a lot of detail, what is a better option than leaving a long voicemail?

Ask for a callback to discuss further

Why should you take notes during the call?

It helps you stay focused and remember key information 


How should you handle an extended call when you need to go?

Politely explain you need to wrap up and summarize the next steps


What is a common mistake example we gave on the slide?

Any of these:

Starting the call in a negative way 

Not introducing yourself 

Having a clear and concise answer is important

Avoid projecting an uncertain voice or sounding overly aggressive

Being the only one who talks 

Not having a clear goal 

Not anticipating possible objections 

Not keeping control of time during a call

Not summarizing key points of the call


What should you do if the caller’s question is beyond your knowledge?

Ask to rephrase the question in a polite tone  


When leaving a voicemail, what is the best way to close the message?

Thank the person for their time and confirm the next steps


How can you ensure that both parties are on the same page during a phone call?

Recap key points and clarify any misunderstandings


What is a good phrase to use when closing a business call to leave a positive impression?

"It was great speaking with you", "Have a wonderful day," "Thank you so much for your time"


What is a critical mistake people make when ending calls with clients?

Failing to confirm details or next steps
