What are telescopes?
An instrument design to make distant objects appear nearer.
What are satellites?
An artificial body placed in orbit around the earth or moon or another planet in order to collect information or for communication.
Name one of the scientist that discovered the ground-breaking discovery?
Rainer Weiss, Barry C. Barish, Kip S. Thorne
Name one type of telescope?
Optical telescopes, Radio telescopes, Space-based telescopes.
Name 2 primary uses of satellites?
Communication, Navigation, Earth observation
What was the groundbreaking detection?
The gravitational waves generated by the collision and merger of two black holes called GW150914.
What is one way a telescope works?
Collect light and electromagnetic waves, Focusing the light using mirrors, Capturing and processing the image.
What did the two telescopes together find out?
The mass and distance from the earth and any visible electromagnetic radiation.
Why was this data that was discovered completely change the way we look at the universe?
This data confirmed Einstein's theory of relativity.
What is Einstein's theory of relativity?
Gravity is not a force but as a curvature of space-time caused by mass and energy.