This food was a favorite for everyone's favorite nerd, Steve Urkel
What did A.C stand for?
Albert Clifford
His first name is the title of this spin-off of Cheers, where he was first introduced as Diane's Psychiatrist
An image of this superhero appears on every episode of Seinfeld
This Detroit-based sitcom featured the world's worst handy-man
Home Improvement
What was the name of the beach club that Zack worked at where he fell in love with the owner's daughter?
Who played the daughter/what show is she known for??
Malibu Sands Beach Club
Fresh Prince of Bel Air
Cory and Topanga go from confused high schoolers to parents in this spin-off
Girl Meets World
Where is Ted Mosby from?
Cleveland, OH (Shaker Heights, specifically)
Cory, Shawn and Topanga went to what fictional Philadelphia-based high school?
John Adams High
What was the name of the band that featured Lisa, Kelly and Jessie?
Hot Sundae
Simpsons (as of today)
This comedy featured Harriet Winslow as an elevator operator, which led to the birth of Family Matters
Perfect Strangers
Which recurring character became a wanted fugitive in the final season of The Office?
This Boston-based show featured a constant power struggle between Sam and Diane
Cal U
Saved By The Bell
Private Practice was a spin-off of this ABC drama. The original has far out-performed the spin-off, even though it lasted 6 seasons.
Grey's Anatomy
After Phoebe marries Mike Hannigan in Friends, she changes her name. What does she change it to?
Princess Consuela Bananahammock
What TV show lost Jim Carrey when he moved into movie roles?
In Living Color
What was Screech's girlfriend's name, played by Tori Spelling?
Grey's Anatomy (as of today)
This show followed the most successful NBC sitcom for 20 straight years--Denise Huxtable attended Hillman University in the spin-off.
A Different World
How many seasons did Married With Children run for?