“Colgate Comedy Hour” is an example of this advertising model
single-sponsor model
television was popularized in this decade
the 1940s
Netflix and HBO began streaming television content online in this year
sitcoms such as Modern Family are an example of this level of television programming
“programming flow” is a concept that this scholar uses to refer to the broad organizing structure of media programming
Raymond Williams
the technique of ‘programming flow’ first emerged on this medium
the first electronic TV picture was transmitted in this year
companies like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime belong to this type of media industry
digital endemic
the trend of canceling a cable subscription to exclusively watch TV on the web is called this
this person was the first to transmit the electronic TV picture
Philo Farnsworth
asynchronously accessing TV programming online is a characteristic of this type of television
television launched to a global audience in this decade
the 1930s
nany of the situation comedies of the 1950s through 1970s featured the traditional nuclear family. today, situation comedies are more likely to focus on this type of family.
nontraditional family
at least half of the content created by private broadcasters and aired in Canada must be this
can-con (canadian-created content)
this person introduced the Cable News Network (CNN) in 1980
ted turner
this term is used to describe TV advertising that is targeted toward particular groups
mass customization
television viewers moved away from this traditional television model toward time-shifted, on demand viewing
linear viewing
these are short written news stories that run along the screen in many television news broadcasts
this company provides the best available measurement of television audiences
Nielsen Media Research
this person's News Corporation launched Fox News
Rupert Murdoch
this term describes the development of different types of programming for different types of audiences
these three dominant radio networks shifted their focus to television after the Second World War
this type of programming is believed to be the future of television. Netflix, Hulu, and Sling TV are examples
over-the-top television (OTT)
concerns exist surrounding interactive television programming and how these programs are exploiting audience labor in television. audiences are seen as this, which can be sold by television networks to advertisers
this former head of NBC warned the public in 2009 that broadcast TV needs to urgently change unless we want TV to end up like the newspaper industry
Jeff Zucker