This family sitcom revolves around a teenage girl, her parents, and her younger brother, often addressing relatable family issues with humor.
Full House
This show features contestants competing in physical challenges on a remote island, with the goal of being the last one standing.
This animated show features a yellow, bumbling character who works at a fast-food restaurant in a fictional underwater city.
SpongeBob Squarepants
This crime drama features a team of detectives in New York City solving murders, with a focus on forensics.
"Winter is coming."
Game of Thrones
Set in a New York City coffeehouse, this show follows the lives of six friends.
This cooking competition features amateur chefs battling it out in various culinary challenges to win the title of:
This animated series follows the adventures of a family in Springfield, featuring characters like Homer and Marge.
This medical drama takes place in a Seattle hospital, focusing on the lives of surgical interns and their mentors.
Grey's Anatomy
"Live long and prosper."
Star Trek
This sitcom features a group of friends living in a New York City apartment complex and includes memorable characters like Kramer and George.
This dating show involves contestants eliminating each other to win the affections of a single bachelor or bachelorette.
This show centers on the adventures of a group of teenagers who solve mysteries in their van, often with a talking dog.
Scooby Doo
This series follows a high school chemistry teacher turned methamphetamine manufacturer.
Breaking Bad
I am the one who knocks!"
Breaking Bad
This mockumentary-style sitcom depicts the daily lives of employees at a paper company in Scranton, Pennsylvania.
the Office
This show documents the lives of families in the reality TV world, including their day-to-day dramas and relationships.
keeping up with the kardashians
This animated series follows a dysfunctional family with a genius son and a dim-witted father, often addressing social issues.
Family Guy
Set in the 1960s, this drama explores the advertising industry and personal struggles of its characters.
Mad Men
"How you doin'?"
This groundbreaking sitcom, which aired in the 1990s, followed a mixed-race family and tackled social issues, featuring characters like Paul and Claire, known for their parenting challenges.
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
This reality show features a group of singles living together in a tropical location, where they must couple up and compete in challenges, all while trying to avoid being sent home.
Love Island
This critically acclaimed show follows a teenage boy who struggles with his identity while navigating life in a fictional suburban town, and it is known for its exploration of mental health issues and relationships.
Big Mouth
This historical drama series depicts the lives of the British royal family throughout the 20th century.
the Crown
"To infinity and beyond!"
Toy Story