This era, spanning the 1950s-1970s, is often called the
What is the Golden Age of TV?
These four major U.S. television networks dominated broadcast TV for decades.
What are ABC, CBS, NBC, and FOX?
Many people now watch TV on this small, portable device instead of a big screen.
What is a smartphone?
The first televised presidential debate took place in 1960 between these two candidates.
Who are John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon?
This network is known for kids’ educational shows like Sesame Street.
What is PBS?
Netflix, Hulu, and Disney+ are all examples of this.
What are streaming services?
This major technological advancement, introduced in the 1950s, changed how people viewed television.
What is color television?
Unlike cable channels, these TV stations send free signals over the air.
What are broadcast networks?
TV companies make money by showing these during breaks in shows.
What are commercials (or ads)?
Philo Farnsworth is credited with inventing this critical part of
What is the first fully electronic TV system?
This type of TV, which includes HBO and Showtime, requires a monthly payment.
What is premium cable?
People who don’t watch TV at home on a TV screen but use the internet instead are called this.
What are mobile viewers?
This type of television was originally created to provide signals to rural areas with poor reception.
What is cable television?
News, weather, and sports are commonly shown on this type of television.
What is live TV?
Some TV companies now let you watch shows on your phone or computer if you have cable. This service is called what?
What is TV Everywhere?