If the temperature in the classroom is 22 degrees C warmer inside than it is outside. Outside is -6 degrees C. What is the temperature inside?
What is 16 degrees C?
What would you wear on a day when the temperature is 26 degree?
Jacket, pants
The lake or an indoor pool?
What is indoor pool?
If I need to check my temperature, I would use what tool?
What is Thermometer?
When Grayson woke up this morning it was 22 degrees F the temperature went up throughout the day. By lunchtime it was 34 degrees F and then by dismissal it was 36 degrees. What was the total change in temperature throughout the day?
14 degrees F
What would the weather look like if it was 96 degrees F outside?
What is hot, sunny, not clouds
Winter or summer?
What is summer?
True or False: Temperature can change a number of times throughout the day.
What is True?
Andrew measured the temperature in the hallway at 9:00 and it read 67 degrees F. He measured it again at 10:00 and the temperature had risen 5 degrees. What was the temperature at 10:00?
What is 72 degrees F?
What would you wear if it were 53 degree F?
What is light coat, pants, layers etc.?
Spring or Fall?
What is Spring?
How could you find out the temperature for today? Where could you look or access to tell you? Name 3.
What is the newscast, your phone, the internet, an outdoor thermometer etc.?
Water freezes at this degree Fahrenheit.
What is 32 degrees Fahrenheit?
Hannah knows the temperature outside is 32 degrees C. If the temperature drops 6 degrees over the next 2 hours, what will the temperature be?
What is 26 degrees C?
If the temperature is 0 degree C, would you wear shorts and a t-shirt to school? Why not?
What is no, it is too cold. At freezing temperature?
Fall or Winter?
What is Fall?
Name three things you would use a thermometer to help you measure.
What is my personal temperature/fever, the temperature outside, how warm my food is?
True or False: Temperature is used to measure the coldness and hotness.
The temperature in Sevierville was 25°F in the afternoon, but it dropped to 10°F at night. Meanwhile, in Pigeon Forge, the temperature was 30°F in the afternoon and dropped to 20°F at night. Which city experienced a greater temperature change, and by how much?
Sevierville, 15 degrees F
What would you do if the temperature outside was 105 degree F?
What is stay inside! It is a heat warning!
The stove or the hot tub?
What is the hot tub?
Hot air moves up or down?
What is up?