This is the city Ms. White Owl lived in before moving to Kentucky
Pleasant View, Tennessee
How many years were they on the island?
Prospero's slave
This is Ms. White Owl's Favorite Color
The two items he uses to make magic
his cloak; staff
Who does Prospero praise for being a loyal friend?
Fairy that Prospero saves
This is Ms. White Owl's Hogwart's house
The Tempest is a comedy, tragedy, or history?
A tragicomedy
Who was the ruler of the island before Prospero?
Person Antonio opened the gates of Milan for
Alonso, King of Naples
How many school years has Ms. Banks taught at HHS?
What is three years.
"I beseech you" means this in modern English.
I beg you
Mother of Caliban, the slave underneath Prospero
This is Ms. Banks's age.
What is 40.
Prospero's title before he was exiled
Duke of Milan