Ancient Temples
Families are blessed through sacred temple ordinances.
The Pioneers worked hard and sacrificed to build temples.
I can prepare to be worthy to go to the temple.
Temple Grab bag
This is where Jesus Christ appeared to the Nephites.
What is the temple in Bountiful?
The temple is a holy place, where we are _________ together.
What is sealed?
What color are the temples built by the first members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints?
What is white?
You may always go and look around outside the temple, but in order to go into the temple you have to have a ______________.
What is a temple recommend?
The temple is a _______ of God.
What is a house?
This prophet built a boat and sailed across the sea. Then he built a temple after arriving to a new land.
Who is Nephi?
Sealed means your family can be together __________.
What is forever?
This is the location of the first temple that was built by the pioneers.
What is the Kirtland Ohio?
When we turn this age we can go to the temple to do baptisms for the dead.
What is 12?
This sits on the very top of the temple and is gold.
What is the statue of angel Moroni?
This prophet of old had a temple that was built so that the temple could move with their group wherever they traveled in the wilderness.
Who is Moses?
We help our ________ when we work in the temple.
Who are our ancestors?
This second temple built by pioneers was left behind quickly after they finished building it.
What is Nauvoo Illinois temple?
We wear this color do when we go inside the temple. The color symbolizes (or means) ______.
What is white? And what is purity and cleanliness?
This happens after the temple is built but before it is dedicated to the Lord.
What is a temple open house?
This Book of Mormon prophet gathered all of his people together and had them face the doors of their tents toward the temple. Then he gave his last mighty speech.
Who is King Benjamin?
People can be married in the temple and you can also be ___________ for people who have already died and haven’t been _________ yet.
What is baptized?
This is the ______ temple.
What is the Salt Lake temple?
2 things we can do to feel the spirit before we go to the temple are __________.
What is read our scriptures, CTR, listen to good music, dress nicely….
This Prophet dedicated the most temples (88) in our time.
Who is President Gordon B. Hinkley?
This boy greatly worried his parents because they couldn’t find him. They later found him at the temple teaching.
Who is Jesus?
The temple is a place where we make sacred __________ with Heavenly Father.
What is covenants or promises?
It took this long for the Salt Lake temple to be built.
What is 40 years?
3 things that we need to do (or behave like) from the My Gospel standards poster that will help us ready ourselves for the temple are ____________.
What is pay tithing, dress modestly, no swearing, CTR, honest, use the names of Heavenly Father and Jesus reverently, keep the Sabbath, honor my parents, word of wisdom, seek good friends, listen and watch only good programs on tv.
There are currently ____ temples open.
What is 150? There are 16 under construction and 11 more announced for a grand total of 177.