The building Cherry Pantry is located in
Student Center (SAC)
DRS provides this
Academic accommodations
PASS sessions are held...
Once a week
Alumni will have access to the Career Center post-graduation for this length of time
5 years
Does the SHS offer an annual flu shot to Temple students?
The Cherry Pantry is named for these two individuals
Barnett and Irvine
DRS is located here
Howard Gittis Student Center // Student Center // SAC
PASS stands for...
Peer Assisted Study Sessions
The internship program at the Career Center is called...
The day of the week that the student health services is closed is on...
The Cherry Pantry's mission is to...
To combat hunger
Any hardware, software, or piece of equipment used to improve the functional capabilities of those with a disability is called this
Assistive technology
Can an honors student still attend a PASS session for the non-honors section?
The price of a LinkedIn headshot
The famous fast-food restaurant that's next door to SHS is
The number of points per week each student receives
16 points
The first DRS appointment called to set up accommodations is called this
Intake appointment
One typical PASS session lasts this length of time
50 minutes
You can apply for career fairs and positions online, here
The number of locations SHS has between Temple campuses
Two, one on the main campus and one on the health sciences campus
The point cost of produce at the Cherry Pantry
0 points/free
The document sent to your professors called that identifies a student as one who needs accommodations is called this
Letter of accommodation
PASS sessions held how or where
Online through Zoom and in the Charles Library
The name of the career planning diagnostic the Career Center uses is called...
Focus 2
The floor number that Tuttleman Counseling services is on
The 2nd floor