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Which vocabulary word means to believe something without proof?

assumed: Jaime's mom assumed he had gone to sleep, but he was actually still reading a book!


Why is it important that a son walks across the sky every day?

When one of the sons walks across the sky, it brings light and warmth to the people of Earth. 

They are the Sun.


What is a possible definition for the bold word below?

"Its roots plunged deep into the Earth."

page 127, paragraph 2

plunged - to push down deeply into something

The roots of the large tree grew downward deeply into the Earth.


Inference: The Jade Palace is a magical place.

What evidence from the text supports this inference?

It is on top of a tree that touches the sky.

Its roof is made of gold.

Its windows are made of gemstones.

A sky god lives there.


On top of what kind of tree is the jade palace sitting?

page 127

a mulberry tree


Fill in the blank with the correct vocabulary word:

"I showed my ________ to the performers by cheering and clapping."

"I showed my gratitude to the performers by cheering and clapping."


Why do the sons decide to walk together?

The become bored of walking the same alone, day after day. 

They decide it would be better if they had company.


What is a possible definition for the bold word below?

"People and animals grew faint."

page 131, paragraph 11

faint - to feel weak and without energy or strength

The people and animals grew weak and had no energy.


Inference: The 10 sons acted selfishly.

What evidence from the text supports this inference?

The importance of their work for the people of Earth meant nothing to them.

They didn't think of how the people, plants, and animals would be affected by their heat.

They only worried about how they felt walking alone.


How many dragons pull Xi He's chariot?

page 128

3 dragons


Write a definition for the word reckless.

Reckless means without care or awareness of others.

A person who is reckless does not care about how their actions can affect others.

What happens to the Earth when the suns cross the sky together?

The scorching heat burns the Earth. 

Mountains crack, seas evaporate, plants wither, and people become faint.


What is a possible definition for the bold word below?

"He planted his feet firmly and took careful aim."

page 136, paragraph 21

firmly - put into place strongly and steadily.

He planted his feet strongly and steadily on the ground, and took careful aim.


Inference: The emperor thinks everyone is being punished on purpose.

What evidence from the text supports this inference?

He asks Di Jun many questions about "why" he is doing this to the people of Earth.


Over whom does emperor Shun rule?

page 132

Emperor Shun ruled the nations of the world.


Fill in the blank within this quote from the text: 

"The sea began to boil. People and animals grew faint. They stretched themselves on the __________ ground and waited to die."

Page 131:

"The sea began to boil. People and animals grew faint. They stretched themselves on the scorching ground and waited to die."


Why doesn't Hu Yi, the Archer of Heaven, want to do as he is asked?

He does not want to shoot the sons because they are like his children. 

He taught them to shoot with a bow and arrow.

He loves them.


What is a possible definition for the bold word below?

"The emperor Shun summoned his fastest messenger."

page 138, paragraph 24

summoned - to call or bring forth

Emperor Shun called his fastest messenger.


Inference: Di Jun knows his responsibility to the Earth is more important than his sons' happiness.

What evidence from the text supports this inference?

He chooses to stop them and punish his sons by turning them into crows, instead of letting them finish their harmful walk.


What was Hu Yi placed in the heavens among the constellations?

page 134

He introduced the science of archery to the world by inventing the bow and arrow.

Which two vocabulary words could be considered opposites of each other?

A) gratitude and reckless

B) withered and scorching

C) prosper and withered

C) prosper and withered

A living thing that prospers does well and succeeds, but if it withers, dries up and dies.


Why doesn't Hu Yi shoot all of the sons?

His last arrow is stolen by the emperor's messenger.

The emperor realized one sun needed to be saved in order to continue to bring light and heat to the world.


What is a possible definition for the bold word below?

"Shun's messenger plucked the last arrow from Hu Yi's quiver just as the Archer of Heaven reached for it."

page 138, paragraph 26

quiver - a case worn on an archer's back that holds their arrows.

Shun's messenger plucked the last arrow from Hu Yi's case of arrows just as the Archer of Heaven reached for it.


Inference: Hu Yi, the Archer of Heaven, is loyal.

What evidence from the text supports this inference?

He follows Di Jun's order to shoot the suns down even though he loves them.


From where does Hu Yi shoot the suns?

page 136

Hu Yi takes his place on top of White Mountain.
