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Big Data

“big data” is used when talking about massive amounts of data. Analysts use this data to figure out trends and human behavior to better understand markets.


Social Media

Any platform that connects people, including: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and Snapchat.



Words that are relevant to your product or service.

Example: Since we are selling hand-crafted chairs, we should add “furniture,” “chair” and “décor” to our list of keywords.



This is when a headline is worded in such a way that readers feel tempted to click it to find out what the article will say.

Example: Headlines like “This woman lost her dog. You’ll never believe what happened next” and “5 things you must absolutely try today” are nothing more than clickbait to increase page views.


Email Blast

When you send the same marketing email out to a large list of email addresses, it’s called an email blast.

Example: Let’s send out an email blast informing our database that the store will be having a huge sale before Christmas.


Organic Content

This is content that happens naturally. The marketing team did not plan or create this content. It’s usually something that a customer writes or promotes.

Example: A high school student wrote organic content by reviewing our product in a Facebook post and 3,500 people liked it.



This is an acronym which stands for Search Engine Optimization. SEO uses special techniques to get your website (or certain pages of your website) to rank higher for search engines. This means that people will be able to find your website when they are looking for something related to your company.


Brand Guidelines

This is a document that explains a brand’s identity entirely. This is usually used by marketing professionals and graphic designers. It is basically a set of do’s (things you should do) and don’ts (things you shouldn’t do) for presenting the brand in any marketing material. It will include things like:

Colors to use

Where and how to use the logo

Acceptable fonts

Types of images

Thickness of borders

Packaging guidelines



The word visibility refers to something’s ability to be seen. Something that has good visibility is something that can be seen easily. When talking about a brand’s visibility it means the same thing. How often does your audience see your brand through your marketing activities? The more people see or hear about your brand, the more visibility it has.


Brand Identity

This is the message a brand wants to send to its customer. Perhaps you want your company to be seen as professional and exclusive. Or maybe you want it to be young and vibrant. Adjectives like these help to make a brand identity.


Look and Feel

This is a way of talking about things in the brand guidelines. The “look and feel” is exactly what it sounds like. It is how the brand looks and how it makes people feel. It is the way someone experiences a brand through its packaging, website and marketing efforts.


Online Marketing Activities

Online marketing activities are any activities to increase visibility that happen through the Internet and through smartphone apps. This could include email campaigns, text messages and digital advertising.


Marketing Campaign

This is a marketing message that you want your audience to remember. It is one single message that is sent by multiple different methods. You will spread this message through online and offline marketing activities. A company usually pushes a specific marketing campaign

for a predetermined duration. However, if the marketing campaign is a huge success, they may continue to use it.

Example: Have you ever heard of the phrase “Just Do It”? This was a marketing campaign Nike introduced in the late 1980s, but it has since become an important part of the Nike brand identity.


Real-time engagement

This is when a brand interacts with audiences right now. Instead of only following a marketing plan that was designed weeks ago, real-time engagement means a brand reacts in “real-time.” Your company might do some real-time engagement by interacting with its followers on Twitter or Facebook.


Offline Marketing Activities

These are any marketing activities that do not happen on the Internet. This could include billboards, print ads, mailed newsletters, flyers, live demos and much more.


A trend

Refers to a pattern of gradual change in process, output, sales over a considerable period of time. 

Example: The company observed a decent trend in growth over the last one year, profits rising by 50 %.



Influencers are people who have a big social media following. They may be traditional celebrities or Internet celebrities. Either way, when they post something on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook, a lot of people see it.


Online Presence

When someone hears about a new business or product, the first thing they’ll do is go to Google. This is the modern world. We go to the Internet to do research and see what we can learn about any business or product that interests us.

When someone searches for your business online, which website pages come up? This is your online presence. If people can find your business online, then your business has an online presence. If someone searches for your name and finds your personal website, then you have an online presence!


Marketing Objective

This is what you are trying to accomplish with your campaign. Maybe you have a sales goal or you want to reach a certain number of people. A marketing objective is your reason for activating the marketing activity.

Example: Our marketing objective for the spring print campaign is to get at least 10,000 people to walk into our store in the month of April.


To target a customer

Refers to the type of person to whom a company wants to sell its products or services. 

Example: We need to find the right product to satisfy the needs of our target customers.


Marketing Collateral

This refers to the media and material used to sell your product. Rather than ads, most of the time this refers to things such as PowerPoint presentations, brochures, white papers and so on

Example: We need to update our marketing collateral and create some more appealing brochures and flyers.


Native Advertising

This is advertising that disguises itself to look as though it isn’t marketing. It is a property which looks like other non-advertising properties on the same site or platform.

Example: The beauty blog will feature a post about the quickest way to remove pimples. The post is native advertising provided by a face wash company.


Campaign Reach

To know if your campaign is successful, you should have someone who is tracking and analyzing the data. Data will show you how

many people see or engage with the campaign material. This is a phrase often used with digital marketing, but it can be used when talking about other marketing activities too.

Example: I have spent $1000 on the ads, and the campaign reach is about 10,000. That works out to be 10 cents per ad view.


Celebrity-Driven Content

When brands pay an influencer to post about their product, it’s considered to be celebrity-driven content.

Example: Ally has 100,000 followers on Instagram, so brands pay her to post celebrity-driven content.


Advertising campaign

Refers to a planned series of advertisements that will be used in particular places at particular times in order to advertise a product or service and persuade people to buy it or use it.

Example: Coke’s brand-new advertising campaign has increased their sales by 20%.