Characterization Station
Tableau & Panto
Playwriting Probs
Aristotle, Poetics, & Greeks oh my!
Review & Get to Know U

To speak loudly and clearly means to (think back to the L you made with your hands).. 

What is projection?


The difference between a tableau and tableaux. 

What is: a tableau is 1 still image and tells one part of a story, whereas tableaux are multiple and tells a full story. 


The person who writes scene or play scripts is called the ....  

Who is a playwright?


This person developed a dramatic structure for the Greeks to making a strong piece of theatre. 

Who is Aristotle?


DOUBLE JEOPARDY: (Whomever gets this gets double points AND a piece of candy)

Which do you prefer: comedy (funny, entertaining) OR tragedy (serious)? Why? (ANY ANSWER IS ACCEPTABLE... BUT! EVERY member on your team must answer)  



WHY are levels important in theatre? (ONLY the 2 answers I have are acceptable)

What is: to allow everyone to be seen, AND/OR to make it aesthetically pleasing to look at (variety). 


Telling a story from beginning to end where the conflict gets resolved by the end is referred to as a __________ story! (Hint: Think "whole")

What is COMPLETE story?


Playwriting simply starts with one ____ or thing. 

What is an idea?


DOUBLE JEOPARDY: (Whomever gets this gets double points AND a piece of candy)

Does Aristotle's drama structure/ template stand the test of time today? In what ways?

IF YOU SAID YES: We use almost all of these for writing play scripts today, and they're super important. 

IF YOU SAID NO: We don't need some of these elements to write a good play script (like music, like spectacle, etc.)


The difference between theatre and theater is...

What is: one is the thing you do in my class, another is the building?


DOUBLE JEOPARDY: (Whomever gets this gets double points AND a piece of candy)

Describe how you'd talk if you were angry that you couldn't go to see a movie w/ friends (using volume, tempo, tone)

Volume- Louder

Tempo- Faster

Tone- Frustrated


This is referred to as "silent acting" where you use actions, gestures, and facial expressions to tell a story. 

What is pantomime?


(HAMLET and HORATIO enter center and watch him amused)

Above is something that shows what characters are DOING. What is this called?

What are stage directions?


The purging of emotions (like pity and fear) is a term Aristotle described as... 

What is catharsis?


THIS is a full rehearsal in costumes and all elements to get the actors prepared for the performance AND a chance for FINAL feedback before full performances!

What is a dress rehearsal?

How can AGE impact the way you talk and move?

What is: the condition of your voice (raspy), low volume, walk with a hunched back/cane, slower movement. 


Name 1 "DO" & "DON'T" of pantomime we've discussed in class. 

DO: Exaggerate your face and movements, exaggerate the resistance or weight/size of objects, stay consistent. 

DON'T: Talk, mouth words, use props, use violence as the ONLY answer, be small. 


DOUBLE JEOPARDY: (Whomever gets this gets double points AND a piece of candy)

Write out the proper structure of dialogue.  

EXAMPLE- NAME: What they say here!


Art, according to Aristotle, needs to be an __________ of life. (HINT: 9 letters)

What is an imitation?


Which are you more: a leader or a follower in my class (ANY ANSWER IS ACCEPTABLE... BUT! EVERY member on your team must answer)  



What must you rely on when you are unable to talk (like in pantomime) when acting?

What are gestures/facial expressions/actions?


DOUBLE JEOPARDY: (Whomever gets this gets double points AND a piece of candy)

Name two influential people we've discussed who DO pantomime. 

Who are Charlie Chaplin & Marcel Marceau?


Name ALL 5 types of conflict we've discussed in class. 

What are: Character vs. ... Nature, Supernatural, Character, Self, and Society?


Aristotle laid out 6 elements of a strong drama. What are they IN ORDER? (Hint: Think P.C.T.D.M.S) 

What are the following: 1. Plot, 2. Character, 3. Thought, 4. Diction, 5. Music/Melody, and 6. Spectacle?


THIS is a dedicated rehearsal that occurs a week before the show to practice with JUST tech elements (like lighting, sound, sets, props, costumes).

What is a tech rehearsal?
