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This country is known for its unique opera house and kangaroos. 

What is Australia?


This web-slinger superhero from Marvel Comics is known for swinging across New York City.

Who is Spider-Man?


This economic concept refers to the limited nature of resources compared to the unlimited nature of human wants.

What is scarcity?


This gas makes up about 78% of the Earth's atmosphere.

What is nitrogen?


This Shakespearean play features star-crossed lovers from feuding families.

What is "Romeo and Juliet"?


his instrument has six strings and is often used in rock, blues, and country music.

What is a guitar?


In 1492, this explorer sailed the ocean blue.

Who is Christopher Columbus?


This social media platform is characterized by its 280-character limit per post.

What is Twitter/X?


: This appliance is used to keep food cold and fresh.

What is a refrigerator?


This sport involves two teams trying to score goals by getting a puck into the opponent's net with a stick.

What is ice hockey?


The longest river in the world flows through this country.

What is Egypt?


This singer became famous with hits like "Shape of You" and "Thinking Out Loud".

Who is Ed Sheeran?


This cost arises from making a decision that necessitates forgoing the next best alternative.

What is opportunity cost?


The process by which plants convert sunlight into food is called this.

What is photosynthesis?


The author of "The Great Gatsby," a novel about the American Dream and excess.

Who is F. Scott Fitzgerald?


The 'King of Rock and Roll' who sang "Jailhouse Rock."

Who is Elvis Presley?


This event, starting in 1914, is often described as "The Great War."

What is World War I?


This device from Apple was the first widely successful smartphone.

What is the iPhone?


Often found in a living room, these are used to control the amount of light entering through windows.

What are curtains or blinds?


This international event features a series of athletic contests held every four years with participants from all around the world.

 What are the Olympic Games?


This Asian country has the largest population in the world.

What is China?


The fictional school of witchcraft and wizardry Harry Potter attends.

What is Hogwarts?


He is known as the father of modern economics and wrote "The Wealth of Nations".

Who is Adam Smith?


This element is the most abundant metal in the Earth's crust.

What is aluminum?


This word describes the most important character in a story, often the hero.

What is the protagonist?


This musical symbol indicates the pitch of written musical notes. 

What is a clef?


The year the Berlin Wall fell, marking the approaching end of the Cold War.

What is 1989?


This type of computer memory is volatile and is used to temporarily store data while a computer is on.

What is RAM (Random Access Memory)?


A type of light fixture that hangs from the ceiling and often has multiple light bulbs or candles.

What is a chandelier?


In this board game, players buy and trade properties and aim to bankrupt their opponents.

What is Monopoly?


Name the city that is famous for its Carnival and Christ the Redeemer statue.

What is Rio de Janeiro, Brazil?


This K-pop group has members named RM, Jin, Suga, J-Hope, Jimin, V, and Jungkook.

Who is BTS?


This type of economic system is characterized by collective ownership of resources and aims to operate without classes.

What is communism or a command economy?


Known as the powerhouse of the cell.

What are mitochondria?


The language that gives us the words "kindergarten" and "gesundheit."

What is German?


A style of music that originated in African American communities in the 20th century characterized by improvisation and strong rhythms.

What is jazz?


This ancient empire was ruled by dynasties such as the Umayyad and Abbasid.

What is the Islamic Caliphate?


The cryptocurrency that was first introduced in 2009 by an individual or group known by the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto.

What is Bitcoin?


his innovative kitchen gadget uses rapidly circulating hot air to cook food, giving a similar result to deep-frying but with less oil.

What is an air fryer?


This martial art and Olympic sport from Korea is known for its high kicks and fast footwork.

What is Taekwondo?


This African country was formerly known as Abyssinia.

What is Ethiopia?


This reality TV show features entrepreneurs pitching their business ideas to a panel of investors.

What is "Shark Tank"?


It's a graph that shows the maximum possible output of two goods or services that can be produced within a given period, given the available resources.

What is a production possibility curve?


 This theory describes the beginning of the universe as a massive expansion from a singular point.

What is the Big Bang Theory?


 This dystopian novel by George Orwell introduces us to Big Brother and Thought Police.

What is "1984"?


This famous British band is known for "Bohemian Rhapsody" and "We Will Rock You."

Who is Queen?


The United States celebrated its bicentennial, marking 200 years of independence, in this year.

What is 1976?


This programming language is known for its simplicity and is often recommended for beginners.

What is Python?


A multi-layered sleeping surface that provides an additional supportive layer on top of a mattress.

What is a mattress topper/protector?


This term refers to scoring three times in a row in bowling.

What is a turkey?


 Known for the Maori culture and the Haka dance.

What is New Zealand?


This show on Netflix is known for its Upside Down and a character named Eleven.

What is "Stranger Things"?


This economic model illustrates how money flows through the economy between producers and consumers in different markets.

What is the circular flow of income?


The name for the category of animals that can live both in water and on land.

What are amphibians?


This American poet wrote "The Road Not Taken," a poem about choices.

Who is Robert Frost?


This term describes a group of three notes played in the time of two.

What is a triplet?


 In 1863, this U.S. President issued the Emancipation Proclamation.

Who is Abraham Lincoln?


 This virtual environment where users can interact with a computer-generated environment and other users.

What is virtual reality (VR)?


 This energy-efficient home appliance, typically found in the kitchen, uses a magnetic field to heat pots and pans directly.

What is an induction cooktop?


 This athletic event consists of ten track and field events and is contested over two consecutive days.

What is a decathlon?


This country has more lakes than the rest of the world combined.

What is Canada?


She's the author of the "Percy Jackson" series.

Who is Suzanne Collins?


This is considered a coincident indicator of the economic health of a country, measuring the total value of all goods and services produced over a specific time period.

What is GDP growth?


This term refers to the number of species within a specific habitat and is a measure of its biodiversity.

What is species richness?


An iambic pentameter is a line of verse with this many beats.

What is ten?


The name for the highness or lowness of a sound in music.

What is pitch?


This document, signed in 1215, is known as the first step toward constitutional government in England.

What is the Magna Carta?


This technology is used for secure transactions and is the underlying technology of cryptocurrencies.

What is blockchain?


his type of furniture typically features a mirror and drawers for makeup or grooming products.

What is a vanity?


This indoor game is played on a table with six pockets, a cue stick, and 21 balls including the white cue ball.

What is pool or billiards?


This European country is home to the inventor of the printing press, Johannes Gutenberg.

What is Germany?


This epic fantasy television series was based on the "A Song of Ice and Fire" novels by George R.R. Martin.

What is "Game of Thrones"?


This law states that, ceteris paribus, an increase in price results in a decrease in quantity demanded.

What is the law of demand?


This phenomenon is the reason why we have seasons on Earth.

What is the tilt of the Earth's axis?


 This Russian author wrote the epic "War and Peace."  

Who is Leo Tolstoy?


This genre of music originated in the Southern United States in the early 1920s, combining European harmonies with African musical elements.

hat is blues music?


The Renaissance began in this European country during the 14th century.

What is Italy?


his emerging computing paradigm that allows users to access software applications over the internet, often referred to as "on-demand software."

What is cloud computing?


This term describes a small, luxurious backyard structure designed for leisure and relaxation, often used as a retreat or for entertaining guests.

What is a gazebo?


This is a combat sport of Japanese origin in which a competitor uses special holds and leverage to unbalance their opponent.

What is judo?


he country where both the highest and lowest points on Earth's land surface are found.

What is Nepal?


This 2020 event saw fans across the globe revisiting a beloved series in a new format, featuring interviews with the cast and a look back at the series' iconic moments.

What is the "Friends" reunion special?


In the context of supply and demand, this term refers to factors other than price that can lead to a shift in the curves, like income or consumer expectations.

What are non-price factors shifting demand or supply?


This scientist formulated the law of universal gravitation.

Who was Sir Isaac Newton?


 This poetic device involves the repetition of the same consonant sounds at the beginning of words that are in close proximity to each other.

What is alliteration?


 This term refers to a piece of vocal music that expresses deep emotions or noble sentiments in a serious manner, typically featuring an operatic singing style.

What is an aria?


 This international organization was formed after World War II to promote peace and cooperation among nations.

What is the United Nations?


This term describes the next generation of mobile internet connectivity, offering faster speeds and more reliable connections on smartphones and other devices than ever before.

What is 5G?


A type of bed that can be stored vertically in the closet to save space.

What is a Murphy bed?


Originating from England, this team sport is played on horseback where the objective is to score goals against an opposing team by driving a small white ball into the opposing team's goal using a long-handled mallet.

What is polo?


Name the island country located southeast of India known for its ancient name of Ceylon.

What is Sri Lanka?


This 2019 South Korean film directed by Bong Joon-ho won four Oscars, including Best Picture.

What is "Parasite"?


This term describes the impact on a nation's production capabilities and job market when a technological leap allows more output with the same inputs.

 What is an outward shift in the production possibility frontier?


This term refers to the study of the relationship between organisms and their physical surroundings.

What is ecology?


This novel by Aldous Huxley anticipates the development of reproductive technology, sleep-learning, psychological manipulation, and classical conditioning that combine profoundly to change society.

What is "Brave New World"?


 Known as "The Empress of the Blues," she was the most popular female blues singer of the 1920s and 1930s.

Who is Bessie Smith?


This period of intense political and military build-up in the 1980s was known as the last phase of the Cold War.

What is the Arms Race or Reagan Era?


This global system of interconnected computer networks uses the standard Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to link devices worldwide, often considered a "network of networks."

What is the Internet?


First patented in 1883, this home device allows for climate control in individual rooms, and was a predecessor to modern central heating systems.

What is a thermostat-controlled heating radiator?


This sport combines elements of basketball, soccer, and rugby and is played on a circular field with a central goal.

What is korf
