I wont to the park and drank tea then, wen it got talent I roud my baike and wen to ym house
I went to the park and drank tea, then when it got silent, I rode my bike and went to my house.
Who teaches Russian?
The Russian Federation ministry of education
What colour are the history copybooks here?
Brown. Like chocolate.
Mmmmm, history
Which fast food is like a sandwich?
Macdonalds (Big Mac/Chicken Select/Crunchy McBacon/etc)
What is better- pirates, or parrots?
Parrots, because they don't have swords
It super cute and lovely animals. Zey adores me so much, realy flie on toop of miy hed. Zen zey fley up me eh bootiful armz. Ze aanimal waz Mr.Mcflop) (mr potayto)
It is a super cute and lovely animal. It adores me and really flies onto the top of my head. Then it flies up my beautiful arms. The animal was Mr.McFlop (Mr.Potato.)
Who is the operations manager?
Mr.Rim Khazbegov
What event is widely regarded as having sparked world war one?
The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Which fast food is triangle-shaped?
None, pizza is not fast
Is Mr Kenny a pirate?
I wented to the park.
I WENT to the park
Is there a spooky magical, raindrops-and-roses sparkly cat in THIS classroom, hiding somewhere? Think carefully.....
no, its owned by mr.mcflop and mr.potato (different school, different universe)
What was the biggest empire in history?
The British one.
It covered 26.36% of the Earth
Is Shakira an active pirate?
Yes (show proof)
My name Tom.
My name IS Tom
When does our autumn holiday start?
27th October
What was the best time in all of history?
The Roman empire. Warm, sunny and everything worked well
Which fast food restaurant sells fries?
Dairy Queen
Award if done
I'd rather have Macdonalds than KFC
I'd rather have Macdonalds, THEN KFC.
Is there a carrot in my box?
Find out
Who teaches history?
Life. Life teaches history.
Bonus point: a textbook.
What's the fastest food?
Cheetah (technically it could be eaten.)
Do the pirate song?
Award if done