The pet store has more/most dog toys than cat toys.
True or false:
Drinking a lot of milk and eating a lot of cow products is bad for adults.
Which shape is located in E1?
a) circle b) pentagon c) star
b) pentagon
In this place you can buy books.
Martin Luther King Jr. gave a famous speech called:
a) "I Love Pizza"
b) "I Have a Dream"
c) "The Fastest Runner"
b) I Have a Dream
Write who or that.
A dragon is a fantasy creature __________ can fly.
Write the correct answer:
To avoid ____________, always wash your hands before eating, and wash the food too.
a) fresh b) infections c)soap
If you work hard, you may become poor/rich one day.
Martin Luther King Jr. was famous for:
a) Being a basketball player
b) Fighting for equal rights
c) Flying to the moon
b) fighting for equal rights.
Write the verb with gerund or infinitive.
Emma enjoys __________ (play) with her ball in the park.
Who needs to exercise more?
Ben, he eats a lot of sugar
Which store is to the right of the park and to the left of the museum?
Write the synonyms of the next two adjectives:
a) happy
b) big
a) cheerful
b) large
This laptop is _______________. It doesn't need to be connected to function.
Put the words in correct order.
to France. / She / travel / might
She might travel to France.
From the next words, choose the ones that are of plant origin.
pasta | lettuce | eggs | cheese | rice
pasta, lettuce, rice
Write the fraction with number and letter.
2/6. two-sixths
a) wearable
In this store you can find everything you need for your house, but not groceries!
department store
Circle the correct answer.
One day people will/won't have any health problems.
ex. Washing hands, washing food, cleaning your kitchen
Divide the rectangle, color and write the fraction with number.
Complete the next verbs with ONE word only:
a) hang ______
b) look _______
c) carry ______
a) hang out
b) look for
c) carry on
Complete with a gerund or infinitive:
What do you need ___________ (do) tonight?
to do