Bacteria may come in different shapes, what are those shapes?
1. Rod-shaped(bacilli)
2. Spiral-shaped (spirochaete)
3. Spherical-shaped (Cocci)
What may a host cell provide for bacteria?
food and a niche with stable PH and temperature.
True or false
Antibiotics can be used to fight of viral infections.
correction: only bacterial infections
Animal-like protists can also be named...
How do plants and plant-like protists differ?
Unlike plants, plant-like protists do not have stems, leaves, or even roots
What are the type of prokaryotes that can survive whether oxygen is present or not?
Facultative aerobe
Explain two ways that prokaryotes provide nutrients to humans and animals.
1. By breaking down food, making vitamins
2. By fermenting or chemically breaking down diary products
Bacteria can cause illness in a host cell in two ways, what are they?
1. Invading tissues and attacking cells
2.Making poisons or toxins
True or false
Animal-like protists are classified depending on the way they get their food
correction: depending on their way of movement
Which type of protist is both plant and animal-like
When may a bacteria produce an endospore?
When they live in harsh conditions an endospore helps a bacteria survive.
True or False?
All types of nitrogen-fixing bacteria live freely.
correction: some live freely but some live along with other organisms such as legumes.
Name the type of antibiotic resistance from the description.
If we add antibiotics to the food we eat, this is a ..... of antibiotics
hint:(overuse, underuse, misuse)
There is 3 structures that may help animal-like protists with movement. Name them.
2. Pseudopods
3. Cilia
How do multi-cellular algae differ?
depending on their types of chlorophyll they contain
Which type of gram stain is more harmful?
Name the type of bacteria that provides oxygen through photosynthesis
True or false?
All types of bacteria are infectious
Name structures 1, 2,3,6,7,8
1: Food vacuole
2: Micronucleus
3: Oral groove
6: Contractile Vacuole
7: Macronucleus
8: Cilia
Which type of plant-like protists can produce light through internal chemical reactions
Label numbers (1,2,6,7,8,9)
1. Pili
6.plasma membrane
7.cell wall
8. chromosome (DNA,RNA)
Plastic is a non-biodegradable material.
Name two types of bacterial infections
Acne, Anthrax, Lyme disease, Tooth decay, Tetanus
Give an example about a protozoa that has a pseudopod.
Amoeba, Foraminifera
Why are red algae found in the deepest part of the ocean?
The red pigment in red algae allows it to absorb the blue light.