What is your distractor in questions 12 part a and why is it incorrect?
C is the distractor and it is incorrect because that information is revealed in earlier paragraphs but not the paragraphs mentioned.
Which two answers can we immediately cross off for questions 18 and why?
A and B! Because they do not even happen in the text!
How should you approach part A and part B questions?
match the keywords in part A to those in part B
Marsh went and stood sheepishly before his desk.
How many degrees can an owl rotate its head?
Up to 270 degrees! This allows them to spot prey from any angle.
Why is D the correct answer for question 16?
because its key words match with the correct answer in part a
What is the distractor for question 18 and why is it incorrect?
By itself it doesn't make the summary of the text complete you would need a whole other sentence to make a complete and objective summary!
If a questions asks you to define one word, how should you check the answer choices?
plug them into the target sentence
till their souls sickened at the very word
This bird inspired Egdar Allen Poe's most famous poem. The name of the bird is also the name of the poem.
The Raven!
Which two answers can we immediately cross off in questions 17 and why?
A and B because those answers have a positive connotation while the target phrase has a negative connotation
and how do we ensure the inferences we are making are reasonable?
What should we annotate on informational texts?
the main idea of each section! this allows us to analyze the construction of the text
Marsh had been drawn into the plague's vortex against his will.
Which bird did Miss Platt see in our parking lot this morning?
You guessed it! An Eastern Bluebird! What good luck!
What is your distractor in question 17 and why is it incorrect?
D because the first half of the sentence is correct but the second part is incorrect - if part of an answer is wrong the entire answer is wrong
Justify the answer to question 20!
How should you double check your answers on vocabulary questions?
ensuring connotations match up!
That night the Head called a council of War.
Which bird is being referenced in the class British riddle, "one for sorrow, two for joy, three for a girl, four for a boy, five for money, six for gold, seven for a secret never to be told."
The Magpie!
What is an objective summary?
A summary that includes all key details in a story without bias or opinion.
How ready are you for this benchmark?
what should you read / do first on a writing test?
And so the dare plague was exterminated.
zoomorphism! when something that is not an animal is described like one would describe an animal
That's right! Its the black-capped chickadee!