What is your distractor for question 1 and why is it incorrect?
A because the operation of sneaking into the lab wasn't complicated, the experiment she performed was.
How much of the text do you need to read to answer question 5?
When answering a Part A and Part B question, what should you find in Part A to match in Part B?
What is the largest bird in the world?
The Ostrich!
women were not welcome in the world of science
When selecting the correct answer for question 2, what do you need to look for in a possible answer choice?
Why is B the correct answer for question 5?
Because that is what is MOSTLY happening throughout the text. Central idea needs to appear throughout the entire text and cannot just be mentioned once or twice.
What should you annotate for on an informational text and why?
The main idea of each paragraph because that will help you to understand how an informational text is constructed.
What is the largest bird in the world THAT CAN FLY?
The Snowy Albatross
How does it feel? To be on your own? With no direction home? Like a rolling stone?
Do you NEED to go back to the text to answer question 3?
No but if it helps you to see the quote in context feel free to take a gander!
What are the keywords in question 5?
specific female scientists, their contributions
Read the prompt and break it down so you have a checklist of tasks and ensure that you answer the entire question.
What kind of bird did I see in my backyard Monday evening?
You guessed it! A Barred Owl!
I wandered lonely as a cloud / when all at once I saw a crowd / a host of golden daffodils
Which answer choices for question 3 are much too big of a jump?
A and B! There is no evidence to support those inferences anywhere in the text and CERTAINLY not in this question.
Why is C the correct answer for question 6?
Because it shows an example of a female scientist and her contributions.
What is your growth goal on this benchmark?
What type of bird (also the name of a sports team) weaves nests that hang from treebranches?
These nests are so strong they can withstand tornadoes!
Life is like a box of chocolates...
How do you go about answering question 4? How do we get to the correct answer?
Go back in the passage and try to identify the meaning of trailblazing - then check for proximity and connotation in your answer choices.
Justify your answer for question 7!
answers will vary :)
How many of the answer choices should you read when answering ELA questions?
What bird did Jantashia see when she was walking home from school on Tuesday?
A woodpecker!
I should have been a pair of broken claws / scuttling across the beds of silent seas
metaphor and alliteration