Statuesque: (adjective)
Having the grace, beauty, or proportions of a statue; often used to describe someone who is tall and elegant, with a commanding presence.
Magical being, spirit
(adjective) Authentic or real; not counterfeit or fake. For example, a genuine diamond is a real diamond, not a synthetic one.
Which word comes from the Latin word "aqua"?
What does the prefix re- in rebuild mean?
To do again
Squat: (adjective)
Short and thickset; low to the ground.
Universal, common, widespread
(noun) A movement of the body or limbs that expresses or emphasizes an idea, sentiment, or attitude. For example, a wave of the hand can be a gesture of greeting.
Which words from the Greek 'tele' and allows people to communicate over long distances?
What does the prefix dis- in disappear mean?
not or opposite of
Apprehensive: (adjective)
Anxious or fearful that something bad or unpleasant will happen. It can also mean being cautious or wary about a future event.
produce, create, make
(noun) A spice made from the root of the ginger plant, used in cooking and baking for its distinct flavor. It can also refer to the plant itself.
Which word comes from the Latin word "liber"?
Grotesque: (adjective)
Something that is strange, unnatural, or distorted in a way that is often shocking or unpleasant.
For example, a sculpture with exaggerated and distorted features might be described as grotesque.
Risky, hazardous, perilous
(verb) To begin to grow or develop, typically referring to seeds or plants. For example, seeds germinate when they begin to sprout and grow into plants.
Which latin word is related to or derived from the sun?
What does the pre- mean?
Brazen: (adjective)
Bold and shameless, often to the point of being rude or disrespectful.
For example, a person might be described as brazen if they act with a blatant disregard for social norms or rules.
Mail charge, mailing fee, delivery cost
(noun) A large, African mammal with a long neck and legs, known for its distinctive spotted coat.
Which word comes from the Greek words "helix," meaning spiral, and "pteron," meaning wing?
What does the suffix -ness mean?
state of or quality