You have a medical issue that could affect your DoDMERB or ability to PT
What is report to cadre within 72 hrs
Baseline attendance requirement for all PMT (LLAB/PT) and AS classes
What is 80%
2.0 GPA Cumulative
What is the minimum GPA requirement for a non-scholarship cadet to participate in AFROTC
Form that needs to be verified every semester with your academic plan
What is Form 48
You don't talk about it
What is fight club
You get a parking ticket on campus
What is no reporting required
Capt Jackowski is teaching and Lt Col Arens walks into the classroom
What is do nothing because class is in session
Minimum grade to pass AS Class
What is C-?
Feedback tool that can be positive, negative, or neutral
What is a counseling?
Who is CMSgt David Flosi?
You are arrested for public intoxication
What is report to cadre immediately or within 72 hrs
There are 14 LLABs, how many can be missed?
What is 2
What is minimum GPA for scholarship recipients.
Counseling limit before disenrollment investigation
What is none?
January 20th, 2025, 1200
What is inauguration day?
What is prior to the event
Method to make up missed LLABs
Extra Instruction
Minimum amount of credit hours required for undergrad AFROTC student
What is 12
Feedback tool that accumulates over time and is typically adverse in nature
Conditional Event
Intel, Cyber, Space Ops, Developmental Engineering, Acquisitions
What are the 5 Space Force Specialties?
Prescription medication that does not need to be reported
What is Birth Control?
Requirements to compete for PSP
What is attempt AFOQT, pass PFA, meet min GPA requirement, DoDMERB qualified
Minimum amount of credit hours required for graduate AFROTC student
What is 9 credit hours
Number of Military Conditional Events you may receive before a Commanders Retention Review (CRR) is initiated
What is two?
27 years
What is how long Maj Buckner has been in the Air Force