A program where students learn Science, Math, Engineering, and Technology
504 Plan
When a student has an allergy, or needs special accommodations
Equal education for all handicapped students
Formative Assessments
Evaluates student learning at the beginning or during a unit. Provides information for the teacher and learner about what needs to be covered
A personalized document that is developed for an individual student who needs access to special education services
An assessment based on a set of criteria used to evaluate a student's performance
When a student's learning skills are greater and others
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
Summative Assessment
Evaluates student learning at the end of a unit. This could be a final exam or essay.
English Language Learner/English as a second Language
Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
When students who receive special education, are put into a classroom with students who don't receive special education
Prohibited discrimination against students on the basis of race or color
Civil Rights Act
Growth mindset
Students with a growth mindset believe that they can improve through hard work, thrive on challenge, and see failure as an opportunity to do better.
Title 1
Federal funding provided to schools with high percentages of low income students to help learners meet educational standards
Bring your own device
When a student who receives special education is put into a classroom with other students who receive special education
National Defense Education Act
1 on 1
One laptop or device for each student in a class or school
How an educator runs their classroom with regard to behavior and routines
classroom management
A method where the teacher offers support on school work, but then steps back to allow the student to try it on their own
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
Common core standards
A set of high quality academic standards in mathematics and English language arts/literacy