Term words
Term words
Term words
Term words
Term words

What is 'Admission of Liability'?

Acknowledgement sent to employee notifying them their WC claim has been accepted/approved.


What is 'benefits paid to a person who pays for a deceased workers funeral expenses'?

Burial Benefits


What 'provides benefits to millions of civilian employees of the united states members of the peace corps and vista volunteers'?

Federal Employees' Compensation Act or FECA


What is a physician of record?

A WC compatible physician who treats a patient injury or illness, also known as the treating doctor.


What is a Final report?

A report filed by their treating physician in a state's worker's compensation case when the patient is released from medical care and is fit to return to work.


What is Vocational Rehabilitation?

The retraining of an employee so they can return to the workforce.


What is Fraud Indicators Impairment

It is unusual events or circumstances that sometimes mean an employer, employee, or attorney is attempting to falsify facts for financial gain.


What is Temporary income benefits?

They are benefits that a worker may receive if the injury or illness caused worker to lose 7 days of work.


What is, in regards to WC claims, a permanent physical damage to a worker body from a work related injury?



What is notice of contest?

A notice issued to an employee if their employer denies a worker's comp claim.


Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA)

An act that provides benefits to eligible and former employees of the us department of energy, its contractors and subcontractors and certain survivors of such individuals.


What are impairment ratings?

They are issued by doctors and describe the degree, in percentages, of permanent damage done to a worker's body as a whole


What is a Designated doctor?

1) a treating physician chosen by the employer for initial treatment of injured employees. or 2) an independent physician who has now seen the patient chosen by the worker's compensation insurance board to examine the patient for an independent medical review


What is the Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act (Black Lung Benefits Reform Act)?

An act that provides benefits to current coal mine employees as well as monthly payments to surviving dependents of deceased worker's.


What is 'programs that reimburse a covered individual for wages lost due to a disability that prevents a person from working'?

Disability Compensation Programs


What is Ombudsmen?

A representative of worker's comp insurance plans who can assist the injured worker with the worker's comp claim at no charge. the ombudsman is not a lawyer but knows the law as it pertains to worker's comp claims.


What are death benefits?

benefits that can replace a portion of lost family members' income for eligible family members of worker's killed on the job.


What is MMI and P&S (abbreviation and definition)?

Maximum Medical Improvement or Permanent and Stationary, meaning the point in time at which an injured worker's injury or illness has improved as much as it is likely to improve.


What is 'a physical or medical handicap especially one that prevents the individual from holding a gainful job'?



What is Longshore and Harbor worker's Compensation Act (LHWCA)?

An act that covers maritime worker's injured or killed on navigable waters of the united states and those working on or adjoining piers docks and terminals.


What is a the types of report, name and definition?

Initial report is done at intake, noting the state of the worker and the estimated recovery time. Supplemental is issued every 2-4 weeks according to the patients plan noting their recovery. Final report is filed by their treating physician in a WC case when the patient is released.


What are Veterans Disability Pension Benefits, and veterans disability compensation.

Pension benefits are benefits paid to veterans with limited income who are no longer able to work, compensation is benefits paid to a veteran because of injury or disease that happened while on active duty or were made worse because of active military service. 


What is the difference between the five types of disability resulting in WC. (non-disability, temporary, permanent, vocational, and death)

Non-disability means they are able to return to the job within 24 hours, temporary is a longer period of time, permanent means the worker will never be able to work, vocational means they will need to undergo rehab before returning, and death means a worker died on the job. 


What is Independent Review Organization?

A company that provides a third-party assessment of a treatment plan and patients status when the insurance carrier has denied treatment or considers the services medically unnecessary or inappropriate. the injured worker must request an appeal process before an IRO is called in


What is Occupational Disease and Illnesses and OSHA?

Occupational Disease and Illnesses health problems that are the direct result of a workplace health hazard, OSHA is a federal agency that oversees the federal laws requiring employers to provide employees with a workplace free from hazardous conditions.
