Name Trump's political party.
The Republican Party
What is the name given to the system of "separateness" that existed in South Africa?
« faire référence à » ?
to refer to
Ex : this document refers to a famous movie
Parler "en général" : Les chiens « en général » (tous les chiens) = ____________________
What did the Prohibition ban?
Which event led to the War on Terror?
Which British colony was given back to China in 1997?
« durer »
to last
the event lasted 5 years
Le passif : Quand le sujet de la phrase _______________ l'action
Quand le sujet de la phrase subit l'action
Abortion rights.
What did Roe v Wade protect?
Which event triggered mass protests in the US in the summer of 2020?
True or false : the King or Queen of England is the head of state of multiple countries.
« une politique »
a policy
ex : Apartheid was a policy of segregation
Traduire : Elle n’a jamais visité Paris.
She has never visited Paris
When was the start of the Great Depression?
When did the Great Depression start?
What scandal happened during the Obama presidency?
the Edward Snowden scandal
What were the Troubles?
a period of tensions between Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland
« avoir un impact sur » (one word)
to affect
Ex : The entire world was affected by the disaster
Traduire : « depuis 2022 » et « depuis deux ans ».
since 2022 (since + date) and for two years (for + durée)
3000 people died.
How many people died during the 9/11 terrorist attacks?
What's the name of the segregation laws in the United States?
the Jim Crow laws
What’s the name given to the generation of Aboriginal kids who were taken from their families ?
the Stolen Generation
« renverser, annuler » ?
to overturn
ex : The decision was overturned in 2022
Comment forme-t-on le present perfect et à quoi sert-il ?
have au présent + participe passé
faire le lien entre passé et présent
Because they didn’t accept Trump’s defeat.
Why did a mob attack the Capitol building on January 6th, 2021?