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A research design in which the same individuals are followed over time and their development is repeatedly assessed.
What is Longitudinal Research?
Based on observation, experience, or experiment; not theoretical.
What is Empirical?
Theories that bring together information from many disciplines in addition to psychology and that are becoming comprhensive and systematic in their interpretations of development but are not yet established and detailed enough.
What are Emergent Theories?
Piaget's term for children' tendency to think about the world entirely from their own personal perspective.
What is Egocentrism?
A balance, within a person, of traditionally male and female psychological characteristics.
What is Androgeny?
A view of human development as always changing. Life is the product of ongoing interaction between the physical and the emotional being and between the person and every aspect of his or her environment, including the family or society. Flux is constant and each change affects all the others.
What is Dynamic-Systems Theory?
A group of people that are regarded as genetically distinct from other groups on the basis of physical appearance.
What is Race?
The extension of behaviorism that emphasizes the influence that other people have over a person's behavior. Even without specific reinforcement, every individual learns many things via observation and imitation of other people.
What is Social Learning Theory?
A characteristic of preoperational thought in which a young child focusus on one idea, excluding all others.
What is Centration?
Hurtful behavior that is intended to get or keep something that another person has.
What is Instrumental Aggression?
Research that's based on qualities instead of quantities. Descriptions of particular conditions and participants' expressed ideas are often part of these.
What is Qualitative Research?
A hybrid research method in which researchers first study several groups of people of different ages and then follow those groups over the years.
What is Cross-Sequential Research?
An emergent theory that holds that development results from the dynamic interaction between each person and the surrounding social and cultural influences.
What is Sociocultural Theory?
The application of rules of grammar even when exceptions occur, so that the language is made to seem more regular than it actually is.
What is Overregularization?
Child rearing with high behavioral standards, punishment of misconduct, and low communication.
What is Authortarian Parenting?
A vision of how human development should be studied, with the person considered in all the contexts and interactions that constitute a life.
What is the Ecological-Systems Approach?
Brain cells that respond to action by someone else as if the observer had done that action.
What are Mirror Neurons?
Comprehensive theories of psychology, which have traditionally inspired and directed psychologists' thinking about child development.
What are Grand Theories?
Vygostky's term for the skills that a person can exercise only with assistance, not yet independently. This applies to the ideas or cognitive skills a person is close to mastering as well as to more apparent skills.
What is the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)?
An impulsive retaliation for another person's intentional or accidental actions, verbal or physical.
What is Reactive Aggression?
A group of people who were born at about the same time and thus move through life together, experiencing the same historical events and cultural shifts.
What is Cohort?
Research that provides data that can be expressed with numbers, such as ranks or scales.
What is Quantitative Research?
An emergent theory of development that considers both the genetic origins of behavior and the direct systematic influence that environmental forces have on genes.
What is Epigenetic Theory?
Thinking that nothing changes: Whatever is now has always been and always will be.
What is Static Reasoning?
An attempt to defend one's self-concept by taking on the behaviors and attitudes of someone else.
What is Identification?