Chapter 1,2& 3
Chapters 4 &5
Chapters 6 & 7
Chapters 8 & 9
Chapters 10,11 &12
Identifying what one wants and learning how to achieve it
What is Self-determination?
When a student mixes words, phrases, expressions, and sentences from their native while speaking English:
What is Code switching?
A systematic process of sequencing the parts of a task students must perform in order to master the task is known as:
What is Task analysis?
A type of feedback in which teachers praise students and reinforce the answer by restating why it was correct is:
What is Process feedback?
A multisensory synthetic phonics approach to reading
What is Orton-Gullingham?
An English language learner attends a pull-out program where content instruction and communication occur only in English. This student attends:
What is English as a Second Language program (ESL)?
A process that recognizes the roles that students and their families play in identifying meaningful goals and appropriate strategies and services is:
What is Person-centered planning?
A statement or an activity at the beginning of a lesson that introduces the lesson’s material and motivates students to learn it is referred to
What is Anticipatory set?
When a speaker is contrasting information, an appropriate note-taking format is a:
What is Chart format?
This word identification strategy involves: finding the rime, identify the rime, saying the name, and hooking the new onset to the rime.
What is the FISH strategy?
Prereferral, referral, eligibility determination, IEP development
What is the sequence is for the special education identification process?
When teaching material that is difficult but not sequential, or when several different topics are important the best cooperative teaching arrangement.
What is station teaching?
Charts, logs, and schedules are used to promote:
What is organizational skills?
To help students to improve comprehension skills, the teacher has students read a selection silently, summarize it, discuss and clarify problem areas and unclear vocabulary, and gives the students the chance to predict future content. After teacher models these strategies, they ask the students to take their role while they provide students help through prompting. The method that is being used is
What is Reciprocal teaching?
An ordered list of a chapter's main idea points with key words blanked out
What is framed outline?
Lower the student–teacher ratio in order to teach new material or to review previously taught material
What is Parallel teaching?
When a teacher praises a student each time they raise her hand, which leads to the increase hand raising.
What is Positive reinforcement?
When a teacher teaches their students to create original sentences that summarize the main points of the text is:
What is paragraph restatements?
When instructional support is provided by teachers until the student is able to transition into independent thinking and learning is
What is Scaffolding?
The planning and delivery of practices that help students make the transition to general education classes are:
What is transition planning?
When both teachers plan and teach the lesson together to the whole class"
What is team teaching?
A teacher increases a student’s work completion rate by making access to the computer contingent upon work completion.
What is the Premack principle?
When students work in collaborative groups to gather and present information on the culture and customs of groups in the United States by visiting teacher-designated Internet sites.
What is WebQuests?
When lessons are created to engage learners by organizing and structuring learning, presenting information, and selecting independent tasks to improve learning and decrease the effects of academic problems.
What is Teacher Mediated Interventions?