Bubble it
Open and Closed
Mindful Moments
Clear and complete.
What is how to fill bubble showing your best answer? HINT: Fill the bubble completely is enough -- don't obsess with how dark your marks are! Save your pencil energy for the Open Responses!
Read, edit, TS.
What is starting an Open Response paragraph? HINT: Terrific test takers know EXACTLY what they need to find in the passage to write the Body of a paragraph since they have read, edited, and written a Topic Sentence from the prompt FIRST, BEFORE starting a new reading.
Go to bed early and sleep between 8-10 hours.
What is getting enough rest the night before a big test like MCAS?
Do your very best!
What is good advice for ALL tests especially MCAS? HINT: This is an opportunity to show what you know. You cannot "study" for this type of test, BUT you can concentrate on doing your best on every multiple choice question and paragraph.
I can bring water in bottle/container but NO SNACKS.
What is allowed to drink in testing room? HINT: You will be asked to keep water containers ON THE FLOOR near you so there's NO CHANCE for spilling on your answer booklet!
Trust yourself then eliminate to best.
What are two strategies for getting the correct answer? HINT:Think about the best answer and trust yourself BUT if you get stuck, try eliminate to best OR getting rid of "crazy" answer choices so that you only have BEST (hopefully correct) answer left.
Quotes, details, paragraph numbers.
What are specific references to the passage used in the Body of a solid Open Response paragraph? HINT: "Based on the article", or other phrases like this, are common in Open Response pormpts so DO WHAT THEY WANT! Quote, list, and make specific reference to the text in the Body of your paragraph. Use COPIED spelling so these details are accurate!
Eat a "good" breakfast like eggs, waffles, cereal.
What is having a breakfast so that you have enough energy to get through each test session?
Don't rush!
What is good advice for ALL parts of MCAS since this test is NOT timed? HINT: Ignore the clock. Don't pay attention to what other students are doing. Focus on doing your best!
I will wear comfortable clothes and bring a hoodie or sweater in case I feel cold.
What are dressing for success tips? HINT: You will NOT be allowed to go to your locker DURING the test for any reason so bring an extra layer since the forecast is for cooler temperatures this week.
Line them both up
What is how to make sure the bubble answer number matches question number? Hint: Skipping a bubble can be DANGEROUS unless you mark it somehow (with a circle or check mark in the TEST Booklet NOT on the bubble sheet) and go back before the end of the session!
Stop, wrap, importance.
What you need to remember include in the Closing Sentence of the Open Response? HINT: Well-organized Open Response paragraphs wrap up with a Closing Sentence that begins with a STOP phrase and states that all that writing was somehow important or valuable.
At least one water bottle.
What is having your own drink so that you don't get thirsty and can take a break?
Don't guess!
What is good advice when you get stuck? HINT: Terrific test takers have strategies -- eliminate to best, return to the reading, trust themselves, use context clues -- that they know and use to get the correct answer or write a solid paragraph.
I will be prepared to do my best during both testing days by getting enough rest, eating a healthy breakfast, dressing comfortably, having water with me, staying relaxed and taking breaks, and having a book to read after I complete and double check my work.
What is good advice for being prepared for MCAS?
Read these FIRST or BEFORE the reading/passage.
What is reading all the multiple choice QUESTIONS before beginning the passage? HINT: Terrific test takers preview the questions so that finding the best answers might be easier WHILE reading (underlining question-related info) or AFTER finishing the passage.
Re-read, correct, represent, take a break.
What can be done AFTER writing an Open Response paragraph? HINT: Writing a well-organized paragraph that represents the prompt and backs it up with direct references to the reading will ELEVATE your MCAS score! Since the Open Response is the LAST type of question for a reading why not take a break? Take a deep breath or a drink of water before starting the next part.
Putting your pencil down and closing your eyes to take a deep breath.
What is taking a break?
Review directions and what you've bubbled and written.
What is good advice throughout the test? HINT: You've taken these types of tests before BUT not very often so it's a good idea to check the directions AGAIN before starting a new section or paragraph. When you've finished with a reading and all the items that go with it, REVIEW them all to make sure everything lines up and is accurate!
I will focus on doing my best work and have something to read if I finish early.
What are two important reminders for BOTH days of MCAS testing? HINT: If you do not finish before the announced END of testing, you will be escorted to another room and allowed to continue your work on MCAS. If you DO finish before the announce end of testing, please have your OWN book to read until the announcement is made.
Questions containing maps...guides.
What is using the paragraph or line numbers from the questions to go back to specific part of reading to check for answer hints? HINT: If you get stuck on a multiple choice question WITH a place marker, such as a paragraph number or line/stanza number, use it to go back to the text and help with eliminate to best strategy.
Think, focus, write.
What are three steps to follow during an Open Response? HINT: Read the Open Response prompt BEFORE starting the passage AND write a TS. WHILE reading, think about the TS and focus on getting the details you need for the Body. AFTER reading, write the Body and CS then RE-READ and PROOF the paragraph!
Stretching or wrist flexing or pausing may work for you.
What are more ways to take a break and re-energize yourself between each section or each reading?
Take breaks and don't rush.
What is good advice for MCAS success? HINT: The LENGTH of the reading, and the NUMBER of multiple choice questions, VARY throughout MCAS. Preview each section BEFORE you get started and remember this advice!
I will bring my phone, iTouch, iPad into Homeroom and NOT leave it in my locker during the test sessions.
What is following rules about electronics during MCAS testing days? HINT: Teachers will keep your electronics safe during the test and when the session is announced to be finished for the day, you will receive these items back.