A 2 year degree
Associates Degree
Education after high school or secondary school
Post-Secondary, Tertiary
Overall average of your grades of all of your courses
A form you must fill out to be accepted into a college.
A 4 year degree
Bachelors Degree
The primary field that a student wishes to study for
The formal paper-often framed by graduates-that confirms the student has met all program requirements and awarded their Certificate, Diploma or Degree.
A course that is required to be successfully completed before entry into a more advanced course.
An award for completing a program focused on a certain field of study
A secondary field a student will take alongside their primary field
The post-secondary system operates on a system of three _____: Fall Winter and Summer
the academics that make up a course
a 2 year degree you can take after achieving a 4 year degree
Masters Degree
Classes students choose to fulfill a general education requirement
A student taking a three semester course
Full-time Student
the first degree a student can complete at the university level.
Undergraduate Degree
Doctorate Degree
A class students attend but do not complete assignments for
A slang term for a scholarship that covers all costs associated with attending school, including tuition, room, board, books, etc.
when an institution allows a student to use courses taken and add those credits to the next level of study or towards a degree program.
This program provides Minnesota students with free tuition
North Star Promise