A hat
Un chapeau
I want
Je veux
This hut (une hutte)
Cette hutte
What is the name of the King who exploited the rubber company in the Congo?
King Léopold II
Qui est Corneille?
Un chanteur, un artiste
Yellow shoes
Des chaussures jaunes
Maria and I want.
Maria et moi voulons.
These shoes
Ces chaussures
Central Africa
Which French song encourages the French national team to win the cup in 2018?
'Ramenez la coupe a la maison"
I am looking for a white shirt.
Je cherche une chemise blanche.
Mark can dance and sing.
Marc peut danser et chanter.
I love this bag (le sac).
J'aime ce sac.
Who colonized the Congo?
The Belgians
The song "Festin" is associated with what movie?
Combien coutent les bottes marron et noires?
They(girls) want to eat a baguette.
Elles veulent manger une baguette.
I don't like this pink shirt here and those orange pants (over there).
Je n'aime pas la chemise rose- ci et ces pantalons oranges- la.
Who was the first prime minister of the Congo?
Patrice Lumumba
Corneille's most poular song is?
"Parce qu'on vient de loin"
I am looking for two purple sweaters and a three red skirts.
Je cherche deux pulls violets et trois jupes rouges.
Can she go to the restroom?
Est- ce- qu'elle peut aller aux toilettes?
Peut-elle aller aux toilettes?
This black hat and this white blouse are ugly.
Ce chapeau noir et cette blouse blanche sont moches.
Why was the first prime minister assassinated?
Because he prevented the USA, the Belgians to have access to the resources.
Mention lyrics from Indila's song "Dernière danse.
Je m'envole, vole, vole.