The Divines
The Daedra
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This Divine has a Temple in Riften, and is the Goddess of Love and Compassion.

Who is Mara


The Daedric lord of knowledge and memory. Typically depicted in his tendril-like form, he helped the once-thought dead dragonborn, Miraak, return to power.

Who is Hermaeus Mora.


Do you get to the Cloud District very often? He sure does.

Who is Nazeem.


At the start of Skyrim, you are transported to this city to be executed. Thankfully, Alduin destroyed it just in time.

What is Helgen.

Skyrim is a cold, bitter, and proud land, much like these, its residence, who settled there many years ago.

Who are the Nords.

After signing the White-Gold Concordat with the Altmer, the Empire agreed to outlaw worship across all of Tamriel of this "Divine".

Who is Talos. Who is Tiber Septim.


There is nothing this Daedric Prince loves more than the hunt. His followers are that of hunters, lovers of nature, and Were-people. Maybe Kodlak White-Mane knows something about him?

Who is Hircine.


She is not the jarl, but she practically owns Riften. Having ties with The Dark Brotherhood and Thieves guild, her influence is real, and not to be trifled with. Makes some good mead though.

Who is Maven Black-Briar


In the 4th Era, the Red Mountain of Morrowind erupted, leaving much of land uninhabitable. However, the High King of Skyrim at the time, gave this island previously owned by Skyrim, to Morrowind for refugees. With the Dragonborn DLC, you can visit this island.

What is Solstheim.


Hailing from the Summerset Isles, this race sees themselves as higher, better people than all others. Maybe they are, they did win the Great War, after all.

Who are the Altmer. Who are the High Elves.


The Nords call her Kyne, Khenarthi by the Khajiit, and Tava by the Redguards. But everyone else knows her by this name.

Who is Kynareth


On the 27th of Last Seed, near the end of the 3rd Era, an Oblivion portal opened in the Imperial City, and this Daedric Lord stepped through, ready to wreak havoc on Tamriel. Luckily, the Hero of Kvatch was there to stop him. 

Who is Mehrunes Dagon


In the Skyrim branch of The Dark Brotherhood, you will find this character making potions, feeding her pet spider, and recalling tales of butchering old men. She looks quite good despite her age.

Who is Babette


The Falmer, as we know them today, are twisted, evil, and blind creatures that live within Dwemer ruins. However, the Falmer were not always this way, as years of being enslaved underground by the Dwemer, drove them into these creatures. Before, they were this race, and their skin was pure white.

Who are the Snow Elves.


This race was enslaved at one point, by the Dunmer or Dark Elves. However, they quickly fought back, and slaughtered countless Dunmer, reclaiming their homeland of Black Marsh.

Who are the Argonians.


Go to any crypt, cemetery, or burial site, and you will more often than not find an alter or priest for this Divine. He is the God of life and death, and burials after all. 

Who is Arkay.


The Daedric prince of deals, pacts, and bargains. Kind of boring, but his mask and dog are pretty cool.

Who is Clavicus Vile


"Trust in me, Whiterun! For I am the chosen of Talos! I alone have been anointed by the Ninth to spread his holy word!" Is just one of the famous quotes you can hear this man preach in the Wind District of Whiterun.

Who is Heimskr


Throughout the questline for The College of Winterhold, you will occasionally be visited by a monk from this group. He and 2 of his associates will appear at the end of the quest to take the Eye of Magnus back to their temple.

Who are The Psyjic Order


From the arid deserts to the steep cliffs of Hammerfell, this race was the only one to successfully stop the attacks of the Aldmeri Dominion, and win the siege against their people.

Who are the Redguards.


Typically worshiped by mages, wizards, and scholars, this Divine is usually overlooked, as his worshipers follow the ways of logic and wisdom. Something that is sometimes scarce across the land.

Who is Julianos.


Don't get into a drinking competition with Sam Guevenne. Not only will you steal a goat and trash a Temple during your drunken rampage, you will also find out that he is really this Daedric Prince.

Who is Sanguine


When attempting to gain entry into The College of Winterhold, you will be stopped by this mage before the bridge. After passing her "small test", you will be granted entry into the College.

Who is Faralda


Once a proud clan of mostly Bretons that lived in The Reach, they were driven into the mountains by Ulfric Stormcloak during his siege of Markarth. Now they worship Daedra and give offerings to Hagravens. 

Who are the Forsworn.


This race, are the native people of the Wrothgarian and Dragontail Mountains. Being that they see themselves as outcasts, they worship the most outcasted Daedric Prince, Malacath.

Who are the Orcs. Who are the Orsimer.
