When playing outside, Logan loves running the toy truck into students pretending to be these desert plants.
What are cacti?
Double Jeopardy
While Ms. Sara hates this veggie, it's Miss Kelsey's favorite.
Double Jeopardy: Wager up to 100 points or your total score, whichever's higher.
What are Brussels sprouts?
Her father-in-law takes care of these honey-making pollinators.
What are bees?
While Miss Kelsey hates this veggie, it's Ms. Sara's favorite.
Double Jeopardy: Wager--bet up to 100 points or your total score, whichever's higher.
What is broccoli?
Which of these teachers does not have a dog?
Ms. Bailey
Ms. Holly
Ms. Jodi
Miss Kelsey
Ms. Sara
Who is...
None of them--they all have a dog!
Who is Trent?
Kelsey's family has a pet named Mylo who is this kind of animal.
What is a dog?
She's better at this academic subject than Miss Kelsey and Ms. Sara combined.
What is math?
With examples like Super Mario Bros., Little Big Planet, and Gris, her favorite videogames are this genre/or play style.
What are platformers and/or puzzles?
These two students are known for being comedians.
Double Jeopardy: Earn 300 points for each student you name.
Who are Trent and Jackson?
Dominic likes this shade of blue best.
What is sky blue?
She has this many sisters.
Double Jeopardy: Earn 300 extra points for each sister you can name.
What is two (2)?
Who are Sam and Amanda?
Before and after school, Ms. Bailey can sometimes be observed doing this craft.
What is crocheting?
Ms. Sara has a younger brother whose birthday is this many days after hers.
What is one (1)?
Aside from video games, Dominic loves doing this.
What is cooking? (Especially potatoes!)
Lauchlan's hidden talent is figuring this out about people.
What are their ages?
This musical skill is Miss Kelsey's hidden talent.
What is singing?
She loves this river sport.
What is kayaking?
Before coming to TES, Ms. Sara taught this subject to college students.
What is writing?
Who is Jackson?
He says he's had four (4) bullies in his life.
Who is Jackson?
Miss Kelsey broke these body parts when a dresser fell on her as a kid.
What are her legs?
Because she loves plants, Ms. Bailey also loves this quote:
"I paint flowers so they will not die."
What famous female artist said it?
Double Jeopardy: Wager up to 500 points or your total score, whichever is higher.
Who is Frida Kahlo?
Ms. Sara is trying to learn this skill.
What is picking locks?
Match each teacher to their partner.
Teachers: Partners:
Ms. Bailey Dan
Miss Kelsey Nate
Ms. Sara Seth
Double Jeopardy: Get 500 points for each match.
Who are...
Ms. Bailey + Seth
Miss Kelsey + Dan
Ms. Sara + Nate